Monday 24 April 2017

Memos, Mail and Me

Joining in again with Sian and the Monday Memo Makers where we share our mail, our Mondays and anything new we have learned.  

This little beauty arrived with my mail this weekend which is the perfect cue to put the kettle on, brew up a cup of tea, dive into the cake tin for a rock cake and sit in the sun having a good relaxing read.  
It's such a lovely magazine, and about the only magazine I've subscribed to that I have found my husband looking at from time to time!  

So after a half an hour reading and relaxing it was with a relaxed sense of calm that I opened the other mail, that envelope that we'd both not bothered to open as it was simply addressed to 'the occupier'.  To discover that a house just around the corner has put in a planning application to change it from a mock Tudor red brick and timber frontage (in line with all the other houses in the road) to an ultra modern, white rendered, grey tiled property.  I think they've been watching Grand Designs.  We have no issue with them demolishing all internal walls, extending out the back, moving rooms around, and adding a huge glass verandah to run the whole width of the back of the house - after all, what happens indoors, stays indoors - but changing completely the whole style of the exterior?  It would look so out of place and completely at odds with the rest of the street, and so, for the first time ever, we will be objecting to a planning permission!  The design they've chosen is very modern, and would look lovely in the right location, but that location isn't in the middle of a row of traditionally styled houses.  Watch this space ...

Anything else new?  Well I've now made 30 flowers - yes I know that the number hasn't increased dramatically, let's skip over that.  However ... there is something new to report

I have finally got to grips with that hot glue gun ...

I can see me getting quite carried away with this new toy piece of crafting equipment.  So all 12 wicker hearts now have three little rose buds on them and look very pretty, and I am currently trying to think of what other projects I can come up with that may involve a bit of hot glue gun action. 

Talking of weddings, a new pair of shoes has joined my wardrobe.  Grey suede, rather gorgeous, and hopefully part of the MOTB wedding outfit.  I just need to have the bride give her opinion on them.  But they're staying whether I wear them to the wedding or not, because they fit beautifully and I absolutely love them.

So that's what is new in my world, I'm just of to Sian's to see what's happening with everyone else.  Happy Monday everyone!


helena said...

fabulous shoes. I always manage to burn my fingers when I use a hot glue gun - hope your aim is better than mine. Have a great week

Patio Postcards said...

Congratulations on mastery of the glue gun. I work with a mad creator of all crafts & she has been known to glue gun a fallen hem on her pants! Is that resourceful or just mad? Beautiful shoes. Happy week ahead.

Julie Kirk said...

Nice shoes!

When shopping recently with my Mam we passed some big hats in a department store and she mentioned something to do with getting one if I ever had a wedding. "Even if I ever do have a wedding it won't be a big hat type of wedding" I said. But she replied "Well I'd be wearing a hat!". So ... are you *sure* you really want your daughters opinion? Will it make any difference?! ;-)

Have a lovely week ahead (and watch out for that hot glue gun ... lethal implements!) x

Sian said...

If those shoes fit hold onto them!! They do look absolutely lovely.

I'm impressed with your hot glue gunning. I went years without ever using one and then I was shamed into it when I helped out at an after school club and the ten year olds were sticking things together (was also impressed by the teacher with the guts to let ten year olds use hot glue guns..) They really do work!

Wishing you a non sticky but just nicely sticking together week ahead.

alexa said...

That's a very elegant pair of shoes ... I'd love a grey pair but would never manage those heels! And your roses are looking very professional and delicate - you clearly have mastery of this glue gun process!

Sandra said...

First .... oooohhhhh those shoes. My oh my, they're gorgeous. Next I agree about the magazine, I've only got it a few times but each one I've enjoyed. I showed a copy to my cousin at Easter and I think she's hooked too.

Alison said...

Having just read LAST week's post re the glue gun I just KNEW you would love it!! I don't get mine out often, but when I do I always enjoy using it for the shoes- lovely! Xx

This West London Life said...

The shoes are lovely! And I still haven't read my copy of The Simple Things ...
Good luck with objecting to the planning permission; we're still waiting to hear what's happening to the one near us.