Thursday 29 June 2017


I mentioned a while ago that I was joining in with the photographic scavenger hunt that I saw mentioned here on Mary-Lou's blog.

Now I do love a challenge for the summer, so immediately knew that I would be joining in.  I was on holiday in Croatia when it started and was thrilled to start ticking things off from Day 1.  

I've tried to keep the ones I have found in the order on the list but blogger doesn't always put photos where I want them so bear with me if we get a bit out of sequence!

3 A web
4 A Zig Zag

5 A seasonal relaxing space/item

10 Something yellow

11 A toy only found out during June to September

14 Someone fishing

15 Something crafted from wood

17 Circles in architecture

19 Feet

21 A plaque

23 Something powered by wind

24 Seasonal food

25 A hat


Maggie said...

Wow! You really have cracked on with the list and have some fab photos there. I like the way you have interpreted some of the prompts too. The web is a great idea and a great fisherman, in fact all great!

Patio Postcards said...

Amazing start! I think the owl is still my favourite. Thanks for joining in.

This West London Life said...

What a brilliant start! I'm hoping for more inspiration on our summer travels.

Karen said...

What a great start! Your zigzag is inspired; I haven't seen anything yet that works for that one.

Jennifer Shaw said...

You have captured so many great photos already! Love the web!