Saturday 4 November 2017

An almost, sort of, kind of scrapbooking

I've made no secret of the fact that my scrapbooking days are (I think) behind me but there's a little piece of scrapbooking love that remains with me.  It's regenerated in the form of making photobooks.  It's taken me a while but I have finally finished the photobooks for both Rachel and Jon's weddings.  I spent so much time on these and am really pleased with the way they turned out.

I used Photobox for them and am, as always, really impressed with the quality of the finished product. I won't bore you with a full reveal but here's a few to give a flavour of what a wonderful summer we had.

A beautiful day, in a beautiful location and (I may be a bit biased here) a beautiful bride.  We were so lucky that we were able to have the ceremony under a pergola beside a lake in the grounds of a fab Manor House.

In the evening we had a 'Magic Mirror' with props instead of a Photo Booth, it was a fun idea and loads of people used it so they have some great fun memories of people being very silly!

Wedding two

Jon's legal ceremony took place in London, just down the road from where he lives.  And with the formalities over we then spent the next week preparing the next venue for the celebration with all family and friends.  That involved erecting a large marquee, decorating it and keeping our fingers firmly crossed for another day of nice weather.

Totally unconventional - just like the bride and groom - we were sitting on straw bales which were covered with patchwork quilts made by Sophie's grandmother, with Sophie's brother conducting the ceremony, bride and groom both writing their own vows and Rachel doing a reading from Sophie's favourite series of books, His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman.

And I mean, who doesn't have a mariachi band performing at their wedding reception?


Sandie said...

Oh what a special day, Deb. It is so nice when you create a ceremony that fits perfect with who you are -I'm sure that memory will live with you forever. And photobooks are the perfect way to record these. I have never scrapbooked, preferring to put my photos into mini books, but sometimes these are not big enough for holidays or those special occasions. So I too make photobooks more and more - yours is a wonderful example and so much easier to look through than a scrapbook album.

Barbara Eads said...

Your books are beautiful! You have streamlined scrapbooking to meet your needs and it works!

This West London Life said...

Both books look wonderful and you could call yourself a digital scrapbooker, I suppose?

Patio Postcards said...

WOW what a beautiful pair of books. It is scrapbooking in the digital format & you have scored big time. Beautiful photos, beautiful brides.

alexa said...

Your photobooks are beautifully done - and yes, it does count as scrapbooking :). And what lovely, lovely weddings. I took especial note as my DD is getting married next year. Hoping Sophie is deep into the new Philip Pullman!

Leslie Roberts Clingan said...

I am struggling to scrapbook these days, too. In fact, tried to get interested in finishing a page today and just didn't feel like it. But I don't think I am ready to give up on it altogether. That being said, though, these photobooks are just lovely. What a beautiful way to preserve memories of these special days. Thank you for sharing and inspiring me!