Monday 26 February 2018

The Beast from the East

Apparently we are about to be hit by some VERY cold weather.  

The weather reports are full of it.  The more sensationalist newspapers are using it for their headlines (if you read some of them, you'd probably doubt you'll live to see the end of the week).  Our railway line has already decided to stop services at 10pm tonight and the first train out tomorrow will be 6am.

We've had a bit of snow - but just a bit.  And when you leave the house you can feel that the wind has a real bite to it.  Gritters are out on the roads already and it's not even 5pm yet.  I just checked my work email from home as I don't work Mondays and they are telling staff to check emails before leaving home to make sure the school will be open.  

Now if I look outside I see this

Not much snow to talk of eh?  And it seems hard to believe that road and rail is going to be hit dramatically in the next 12 hours.

But if we are feeling chilly at the moment, you have to feel a bit sorry for some visitors we have in school at the moment.  We have a partner school in Uganda and every year 2 or 3 teachers come over to see how things are in the UK and to meet the people who fundraise on their behalf.  They have never known temperatures so low.  'Low' for them is about 12 degrees Celsius and we have been in minus figures most of today with a low of -6 predicted tomorrow.  Apparently they are really struggling to keep warm at night, going to bed wearing nightclothes, dressing gowns, wrapped in a duvet and then a blanket over the top with hot wheat bags and hot water bottles.  I bet they can't wait to get home and feel warm again!

So, do you think I'll get a 'snow day' tomorrow?  Will we wake up to drifts of snow and ice on windscreens?  Will Coco get a normal half hour long dog walk in the morning?  Watch this space ...


alexa said...

Hoping the snowfall isn't too heavy for you. Like you, I am bemused by the cancellations! Hoping your guests from afar keep warm :).

This West London Life said...

West London currently has about as much snow as you do ... I can't remember it being this cold for a number of years!

Patio Postcards said...

Your back garden photo is lovely & your dog looks most amused by the snow. I think getting a snow day is like a bonus free time but snow can create such disaster for drivers. I hope that the Beast From The East moves on quickly ...

I know only too well that bundling up at night, but for me by 2am I'm throwing everything off as I'm toooooo warm.

Barbara Eads said...

That's about all the snow we get in Nashville---once a year! All the schools shut down and the grocery stores are raided! I would actually prefer to get one big snow each year!

Leslie Roberts Clingan said...

Did you get a snow day?? We had a 70 degree F day today and have snow predicted for tomorrow. So crazy. Does your pup like the snow? Mine were always fascinated by it.

I hope your visiting school guests stay warm and have safe travels home.