Monday 16 September 2019

How the other half live

I think I'll make this the last holiday post otherwise you'll think I'm working for the Croatian tourist board!  

We woke up one morning and found this moored up between our hotel and the island of Lokrum

It's not the most beautiful yacht in the world is it?  I mean, at first sight it doesn't even look like it has windows.  If I had a spare $450 million, I'm not sure that this is what I'd would spend it on.  No accounting for taste eh?  Apparently it is owned by a Russian billionaire and is called the Super Yacht A.  It was only moored up for 24 hours but certainly caused a lot of interest from everyone staying at the hotel!

It was a day of mixed weather the day that they arrived and we headed off into the city to investigate some of the indoor places of interest such as the Old Pharmacy at the Franciscan Monastery.  We were obviously not looking our best that day as the guy on the door offered us concession tickets even though we were officially 4 years too young to qualify!

I even found another outdoor clock to add to my scavenger hunt collection

Outside for a quick cappuccino 

Then we bumped into someone who reminded us how quickly the year was passing

I couldn't resist taking a photo of this young lady ...

... even though she was a bit creepy!

And this odd looking gargoyle who has a bit of a story to tell.  Unlike most gargoyles, this one is only a couple of feet above the ground and if you look closely, his head is completely smooth like marble.  This is because he has a tradition attached to him.  Legend has it that if you hop onto his head, facing the wall, and can take off your shirt without falling off, you will be lucky in love.

And that is Dubrovnik - such an interesting and attractive place.  We had a lovely week there and were sad to see that sunset for the last time.


Jodie's Touch of Style said...

Gosh, what an amazing time. I've never been a yacht person, but I wouldn't mind seeing the inside.

Patio Postcards said...

Oh I wouldn't mind some more of the trip ... That yacht is definitely something to look at, but I wouldn't want to clean it. (inside or out). That fortune telling lady could be "single & pretty" although I'm not sure I'd want to hear from her about my future! Interesting outdoor clock.

This West London Life said...

That yacht is fairly ugly, as yachts go.
I wonder many people have hurt themselves falling off the gargoyle's head ... said...

Your gargoyle might be the only one I like. Those used to protect buildings scare me to death. Knowing my track record in love (until I found PC), I am certain I couldn't even get an arm out of my shirt without falling off that fellow's head!

The photo of the church through the archway is just lovely, Deb. I think you should frame that one. Stunning.

Yeah, I agree, I could find a better looking yacht I think for the price. One that comes with the sails!!