Thursday 7 April 2022

Progress report

 I thought I would share an update on various projects I've got on the go at the moment, just to prove I don't spend all my spare time watching the second series of Bridgerton 😉 {only because I binge watched the whole thing and have no more episodes to watch!}

The blanket made from leftover wool is now 20" square and coming along nicely.  I especially like the idea that I am making something that is costing me nothing as I'm determined not to buy any new wool to make this project.  I am loving the texture of this blanket and the instructions are so clear, it never feels as if I am out of my depth even though I am learning new stitches.  

I've also started a new project which was a present from Jon and Sophie for my birthday

I haven't done any embroidery since doing my A level textiles exam back in 1976 - how many years? 😳 but I've enjoyed starting this and remembering how much I like doing embroidery.  It's a daytime project though, my eyes aren't as good as they were 46 years ago and I don't have a daylight lamp to use in the evenings.

Also, project holiday has been finalised!  I realised that before we could decide where to go, we needed to find dog-care arrangements for Coco so that we knew when we could go.  Can you imagine how disappointed I was to discover that the lady she usually goes to is away herself for most of June and her son is home from Dubai for the whole of July?  As he hasn't been back since he got married out there 3 years ago there is a lot of relative visiting to do and she couldn't say when she would be home during his stay.  I wondered if my niece was serious when she said that she would have Coco for us if we ever wanted to go away.  Her dog died last year and they are missing canine company.  I mentioned it to my sister to ask if she thought that Kirsty was serious about her offer, when she said 'oh, can we have her here instead?'  They used to look after Kirsty's dog from time to time and I think that they too are missing having a dog around.  As I felt myself relax, it dawned on me that if she was home in the UK and free to have Coco, then she wouldn't be using her house in Portugal so I asked if we could use it and next thing you know I was booking flights!  It still feels a bit of a big deal, but I am so looking forward to it.  It is somewhere we know well and Gill was out there last month and said she felt so much safer over there than she did here so I feel a bit more confident about things.  

I guess my next project needs to be 'stop eating cakes and chocolate so I can fit into my summer clothes' 


Patio Postcards said...

What a perfect trade, she gets your dog for company & you get her house in Portugal. It is a big deal to look forward to :)

Both your needle crafting works are lovely. You have such skill.

This West London Life said...

Crochet and embroidery and Portugal = perfection!

Barbara Eads said...

First of all, I LOVE how your "scrap" blanket is coming along. I really like the colors and all the different stitches. It looks like it would really be fun to make. As for the embroidery, that looks fun too! I haven't done any since I started needlepointing. I used to love counted cross stitch too.

I'm so happy that your sister is taking Coco so you can get away. Since I just got back from Portugal, I'm a bit jealous! I would go back in a heartbeat!