Monday 15 May 2023

Me on Monday

 This Monday finds me counting down the days to a weekend trip away.  Of course there are lists to be made and it appears that Coco may be taking more luggage than we are.  

It was quite a busy weekend which made the days go very quickly.  Starting with lunch out with a friend on Friday.  A delicious Greek salad at a local deli where everything is authentically from Greece - if only the weather had been nice enough to eat outside and pretend we were in Corfu, but torrential rain and a cold wind put paid to that!

On Saturday I had impetuously signed up for a Zumba masterclass that our instructor was hosting.  An hour and a half of dancing with 4 instructors.  Adri from Venezuala, Ramiro (the special guest instructor who is touring Europe) from Argentina, Laura from Spain and, not quite so exotic, Dave from Wales. I must admit that the last half hour did not see me being able to put as much energy into the routines as the first hour but I managed to stay the course - it was such good fun!  I'm so pleased I went.

In the evening we had a meal out with my sister and cousin and their husbands at an Indian restaurant that we have not tried before.  It was delicious, and lovely to catch up on all the family news.

Sunday we had our daughter and family here for lunch (no, their kitchen is still not operational!) so it really has been all about the food and drink around here.

I picked this photo up from my daughter’s IG feed. As you can see, Coco is gradually (begrudgingly?) accepting the fact that it seems like Daisy is really part of the extended family now!

So we start the week here awaiting a plumber as our shower mixer unit is leaking - not a good start eh?  We also really intend to get to a garden centre to buy a few plants for the pots - every time we plan to go the weather turns atrocious.  So let's hope this week becomes drier indoors and out!


Patio Postcards said...

Well done you - 4 hours of Zumba. Please tell me Dave from Wales was the best (col). I agree having to call the plumber is not the way to start the week.

Children & pets never travel lightly, but oh to be excited about a weekend get away, I'm envious. Let's hope once your daughter's kitchen is completed, there will be many celebrating meals enjoyed there (lol).

Barbara Eads said...

You always talk about Zumba. I have never done that. Over the years, I have done many dance type things like Jazzercise and others. I love to dance, so I really should try to find a class around here.

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Well done on completing your zumba masterclass. It made me tired just reading about it :0)

This West London Life said...

I'm a little late with my reading this week ... that Zumba marathon sounds like a lot of fun! Well done on completing it.
Life is so much easier when the family's pets all get along, isn't it - they do look very sweet together.
I can't believe how long the kitchen is taking to finish?!

This West London Life said...

PS: Dave from Wales ... LOL! said...

If it's not one thing, it's ten. Crazy that the kids are still without their kitchen. My sister's kitchen remodel was an ordeal. I'm sorry the kids are having to deal with all of that but I am sure the end results will make it all worthwhile.

Glad the pups are becoming accepting of each other. Or maybe it was just a one-sided unacceptance on Coco's part. Nice to see things have changed.

So proud of your continued enthusiasm and participation in Zumba. I bet that was one energizing class. Doesn't it seem so long ago that we were sentenced to a life in quarantine. Now you are back to doing all the things.