Wednesday 24 May 2023

Me on a Wednesday

 A quick post today after a lovely weekend away in Southwold.  It's a place we love to visit and have stayed there a few times now.  It's a town which has retained its old fashioned personality and you immediately feel relaxed once you wander down to the promenade which borders the beach.  I do like a nice beach hut scene to photograph!

Early in the morning before the clouds lifted 

Mid morning, sun is out and skies are blue!

Plenty of places to eat and most places are dog friendly which makes for a nice relaxing holiday for us and Coco. We were so lucky with the weather, bright and dry although rather blustery along the beach - the wind on the East Coast is notoriously brisk. 

It was perfect timing for us to be away and relaxed as tomorrow I shall be admitted into a local hospital for surgery on my nose.  I've had it done before so unfortunately I know what's in store - but it needs to be done!  

I would like to draw your attention to this post over at Patio Postcards.  The annual Summer Scavenger Hunt will be starting on June 1st so dust off your camera/phone and get your thinking caps on for photos that fit the 14 categories.

I have my What's Been On Your Calendar post ready to go tomorrow (just need to remember to type the right date and time on the schedule!) and I now need to re-read my pre-admission instructions to check when my 'nil by mouth' time starts!


Patio Postcards said...

Your first photo certainly depicts the highlights of a perfect weekend get away. I will be sending lots of positive energy for your surgery & post op care.

Thank you for the mention & link for the SPSH. I always enjoy your finds on the SPSH.

This West London Life said...

I also love photos of beach huts! And it's always great to see the Scavenger Hunt details pop up. :)
Sending you lots of warm thoughts for your brief hospital visit.

Susanne said...

We enjoy revisiting places on vacation too - there is something about making new places feel more like old friends. Stopped and said a prayer that your procedure goes well. Blessings.