Monday 15 January 2024

Me on the 3rd Monday of January

 I'm starting this post with a picture of some daffodils in a vase on my hall table

They are pretty, they make a room feel cheerful and they bring a glimmer of hope that spring will soon be here.  I kind of feel like that is exactly what I need right now. 

The information from my book of verses for every day of the year tells me that on 14th January 1966, a certain David Robert Jones changed his name.  The name Davy Jones had already been popularised by my favourite Monkee and so David Robert Jones became David Bowie, who would later also become Ziggy Stardust, The Thin White Duke and Aladdin Sane.

This bit of random information regarding change seems appropriate as I type this for last week was bookended by two shocking emails, both from members of the group of school friends with whom I meet up with annually.   The first email contained the sad news that one of our group had died after many rounds of cancer treatment.  Although not unexpected, it's still shocking when it happens.  I had known him 60 years, having first met at primary school.  It hits hard when one of your friendship groups goes far too soon.  The second email was from one of the 'boys' (can you still be considered a boy/girl when you are 65?) who was in my class at secondary school for seven years, telling us that he was changing gender and also changing his/her name.   That takes a bit of getting used to as well.  It was a shock for me, so how on earth his/her wife and son reacted must have been earth shattering.  One thing that has lifted my heart has been the outpouring of support and compassion from the rest of our group. 

So yes, this week starts with me feeling a bit unsteady.  I don't have much planned for the week which is a shame as I feel that not only do I need something to take my mind off things but also that I should not be wasting my days.

I am sorry that my Me on Monday post is subdued, but the idea of blogging is to note the good with the bad, and I can't make things like a shiny Instagram post sharing only the best. I think a nice quiet afternoon of crochet will relax my mind so expect a blanket update very soon!      


Patio Postcards said...

Deb I am glad you shared the unsteady moments too. It is very difficult to deal with when a member of your own age/peer group passes away, it tingles with echoes of mortality. A very good reminded that each day is a gift to us. During the winter weather I get very challenged to make each day count for something as I tend to stay inside. Your daffodils are a very cheery note; Paul may need to gift you with a floral subscription for Valentine's day (col). I have a feeling as winter is only just making himself felt, it's going to be a long slow ride to spring.

This West London Life said...

I'm sending you a virtual hug as I type this - thank you for sharing these unsteady moments.
Daffodils are so cheery, my advice is to buy/pick lots more. :)

Jennifer said...

No, life certainly is not one IG worthy day after another. So much shock, heartache and other heavy things. (Thankfully midst among the sweeter moments and memories of life.) It is sobering when "our generation" is the one that is now passing away. Here's to a quiet week. Extra moments to simply rest our minds and enjoy the daffodils! Good idea - some fresh flowers in a vase! Thanks for sharing.

Barbara Eads said...

I can't believe you have daffodils in bloom already! We're in the middle of a deep freeze with 8 inches of snow Very unusual for Nashville. I had a fun, full week planned, most of which has been cancelled. Sorry to hear of your classmate--seems we're at that age when this sort of thing happens more and mnoe, We have two friends in the midst of it--one doing great, the other, not so much. As for your friend who has made such a significant life change, I guess he wants to finally "live his truth." There's a lot of that going on too. I do hope your friend has an easy go of it. Your post was really quite full of this and that!

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Two unsteady moments indeed. I hope you manage a bit of calm this week and that your crochet helps you relax. Loving the daffodils by the way.

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

Several members of my school cohort have died, two when they were still very young. It's always very shocking. A couple of weeks ago a much loved teacher died. I don't think there are many left.
January always seems endless, and I have hardly any snowdrops this year. But I like to have daffodils as soon as they're in the shops. Winter will soon be over. Look forward to the blanket progress!