Paul is a whiz at photography, he has a lovely camera and has spent much money on camera equipment in the past and at one point had a darkroom in the house and developed his own photos. Therefore, taking the picture should have been a breeze with my little Sony Cybershot 'point and shoot' shouldn't it? He moaned a bit about view finders and lens capabilities, but I am not sure if that was a criticism of my camera or the fact that a few bottles of wine had been opened and drunk at that point which may have affected his photo taking!
When I put the pictures onto the computer, I couldn't work out why they wouldn't load onto the photo print programme that we have. Then I realised - instead of taking a still picture, he had put the camera on 'movie' mode by accident. This would explain why he was having trouble and I guess that answers the question about whether it is best to take photos at the beginning of the evening, or the end ;-)
I thought there must be a way to isolate one frame and transfer it into a photo and the more I couldn't do it, the more I was determined to find out how! I got there in the end and here is the finished page:

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