Thursday 7 October 2010

Blogtoberfest day 7

The good thing about having a Wednesday off when you work part time is that you are never more than 2 days away from a day at home! Some Wednesdays are used productively, some are wasted doing boring old houseworky stuff, and some are full of fun and friends.
Yesterday was one of the latter. I ask you, what better way to spend a day off than to spend a lovely lunchtime eating scrummy food with two good friends? And if the restaurant you go to happens to be just across the road from a crafty shop packed to the rafters with all kinds of scrapbooking gorgeousness - well, the icing is on the proverbial cake!
And so what if I spent more in the craft shop than I did on my lunch?!
Having spent Saturday learning oodles of ways to make flowers, I realised a distinct gap in my scrapbook supplies. I clearly needed a flower shapped cutter. How had I managed all this time without one? Karen had shown us how to make carnation type flowers out of 8 pieces of pages from old books, inked around the edges and I loved them, but couldn't make them due to lack of cutter. Cutter bought: problem solved!


scrappyjacky said...

Have fun with the flowers,Deb.

Sian said...

Did you buy a die cutting machine? I don't have one of any kind and I'm starting to think I might be missing out..

Rachel Brett said...

Can't wait to see the flowers Deb :)

Maria Ontiveros said...

Also looking forward to the flowers! I spent my day off yesterday napping, as I've been pushing myself too hard and was starting to feel a little punkish. Got lots of stuff done in the evening and have hit the ground running today as a result.

Amy said...

Oooh, that is a day well spent!
Love your little owl below too :-)

humel said...

Did you share the ways of making flowers? I'm catching up backwards so I'll have to check your older posts! Sounds fun :-)

I'm getting used to my new weekly routine but I (currently) have Wednesdays free too, and it makes such a difference to be able to be at home in the middle of the week :-) Pity we don't live closer, we could meet up for lunch ourselves! xx