Monday 27 January 2014

Let's sit and have a cup of tea

Come in, come in.  The kettle's just boiled and I've got the mugs out ready. I see you looking at the one I've set out for myself.
It was a Christmas present from Coco.  Apparently I am officially the best Nanny and puppy hugger in the world!  Do you fancy some homemade biscotti?  I'd never made it before but it has been a great hit, especially with all who love pistachio nuts and cranberries.  If you're interested, I can give you the recipe.
I would ask you if you came to me by any route that brought you past the river.  There was some kind of chemical spillage at the weekend and a large stretch of the river turned into one gigantic foam bubble bath!   Quite a surprise to people who live in homes that back onto the riverside I would think.  Thankfully it was harmless to fish.
We would have to clear the table in the dining room before we could sit down.  The sewing machine is still in good use.  I've made 14 of the 20 squares I need for the quilt I am making and I'm now impatient to get onto the next part.  The only problem is that I have never made a quilt like this before which needs 'sashing' and I'm a little concerned about how to approach it. I will be asking you for your opinion and advice!
If you had read my previous blog post, I am sure you will be asking me how my breaking up with 'meh' was going.  I would tell you how I was convinced that 'meh' had followed me to school on Friday and listened to me listening to the calls on the 'absence line'.  That way he would have heard that a virus was going round the school, and I'm sure that he rang up that virus and asked it to visit me on Saturday so that I felt drained of energy and just a bit 'bleurgh' all day.  He's also been in cahoots with my knee which has got progressively more painful.  So much so that I have booked an appointment with a sports massage therapist on Wednesday.  Hard to keep away from 'meh' when you can't begin to drive anywhere much or sit comfortably for any length of time.   Just be aware 'meh' that in the words of Taylor Swift 'we are never, ever, ever, getting back together' and I'm not giving up without a fight! The weird thing is that I climb stairs like an elderly woman with arthritis yet I can still do my hour long Fitsteps class fine.   This is a strange injury!   Have you heard of Fitsteps?  Do check out their website here and if you decide to have a go yourself, let me know what you think. 
I would tell you about the Christening that we went to yesterday.  My great nephew was the star of the show and it was lovely to see all the family.  He was such a good boy.
As normally happens when you spend any time with a Brit at this time of year (any time of year actually!) we will discuss the weather and when we thought we may get our first snow fall.  Although the temperature has dropped, I don't think it's forecast for the near future.  Who knows?  At least in this area we have escaped the flooding that other places have had.  No flooding, just a 16 feet high wall of foam!
It's time for you to brave the elements and pop back to Abi's where I know there's a warm welcome waiting for you.  I'll help you back into your coat/hat/gloves and Coco will definitely be around to say goodbye.  Same time next month?  It's a date!


Sian said...

"Sashing?" Now that's a new one for me. Maybe we could do a bit og googling together. I'll let you you can go really fast! Yes, Pistachios are a big favourite here so the biscuits sound delicious. Thank you.

Cheri said...

Why am I not surprised that "meh" is of the male persuasion and that he is now stalking you? Sometimes exes just can't take a hint! Best of luck with your quilting project and the knee!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ooh yummy! I tried home made biscotti for the first time recently, when one of the lovely ladies who comes to my class made some and brought along for us all to have with our coffee. It's good to catch up and I've enjoyed seeing your blocks popping up on IG. Never done sashing myself, but will be posting a link to a tutorial, along with other ideas for joining our Friendship Quilt blocks next week.

Jane said...

I hope the knee improves and thanks for the biscuit x

furrypig said...

oooh would love to try homemade biscotti....thank you.... wrap up warm and wishing you a full recovery soon

Kirsty.A said...

Sorry - no idea about the quilting. Glad the mystery foam was harmless and that you haven' flooded. Hope Meh leaves you alone soon

Ruth said...

Homemade biscotti have been popular this month, as my sister has been making loads ... it's only a shame that she lives 650 miles from me, so I haven't been able to taste them!
Did you see the river in foam? Great photos for a scrapbook page, wouldn't you say?
Hope your knee improves quickly.

Abi said...

Ooh sashing sounds fun. I'm afraid I have no idea how it works though! I can't wait to see your finished quilt. Thank you for the biscotti. I think I would be begging you for the recipe, we love baked goods in our little house!

alexa said...

Meh and Bleurgh - they're such mates, aren't they? You rarely get one without the other! Slamming the door on them both sounds like a good idea. Thank-you for the Fitsteps info - that sounds like my kind of thing, so i will be hunting for a class (or at least a DVD if there is one!). Hoping that this week sees the start of improvement on your knee. Your biscotti sound delicious but would you mind if I dunked mine in some tea? I fear I might leave you minus a filling or two! Lovely to pop in and thank-you for such a warm welcome :).

Anonymous said...

Ohh the biscotti sounds delis but the knee sounds horrible. Hope it improves very soon x

Alison said...

My 'to go to' quilting friend was talking about smashing was like a foreign language...I'm getting quite worried about putting these blocks together!!
Alison xx

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

I can help you with the sashing, though it's been a good 10 years since I have done it. I prefer 'bah' to 'meh'. In fact I often say bah to meh. :)

Susanne said...

Good riddance to meh! Sorry, but I'd be zero help with the quilting. Although I am on standby to oooo and aaahh when you are finished!

debs14 said...

I may need your number on speed dial Stacey!