Sunday 9 February 2014

Joining in with Abi's idea of sharing one photo with twenty words.
Queen of Puddings. The meringue rose amazingly well this time. It is one of the Sunday lunch favourites around here.


Lou said...


scrappyjacky said...

Looks delicious

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

This reminds me of when I was at uni and one of the girls I shared a house with used to make this for us.

Beverly said...

That is impressive meringue!

Sian said...

Oh wow! I love meringue

This West London Life said...

Yum! Yes, please!

alexa said...

D'you know, I thought about making one of these the other day! It looks yummy ...

Jane said...

looks yummy!

Alison said...

Alison xx

Susanne said...

Much like the others, the first thought coming to mind - YUM!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Oh my goodness, Deb, that looks AMAZING! I need to come back to your house so I can have THAT for pudding next time. :o)

Unknown said...

Looks fabulous- great words and a great p[icture