Sunday 16 February 2014

Simply a Moment in February

The noise from the rain hitting the glass roof of the conservatory is almost deafening, and whilst I am warm and dry inside I am already dreading my turn at walking the dog later this afternoon.
I am surrounded by the Saturday papers; tales of floods and devastation on the coast cover the front pages.  In comparison to many we have been extremely fortunate, one cannot imagine the heartbreak that some are facing with their homes and possessions many feet under flood water.
A couple of weeks ago our town became an island, with all country road routes in and out flooded; today we are being held hostage by fallen trees forming natural barricades across the roads. Old trees with their roots ripped from the earth by the force of the wind last night. 
I realise that whilst reading, the strength of the wind and rain has diminished and I hear my husband upstairs calling down to me "just come and look at this!". I rush upstairs, the dog scampering just behind me, not wanting to miss out on whatever 'this' may be.
A double rainbow. In the midst of cruel, harsh weather, Mother Nature has thrown in some beauty.

Simply a Moment is organised by Alexa Please pop over there to see what other moments in time are being recorded this month.


alexa said...

What a super photo! Rainbows are very hard to capture, and the happy ending to your moment lifted my spirits too :). I had no idea you were so affected by the floods and hope the worst is over now. It's always such a pleasure to see that you have joined and linked up, and thank-you!

scrappyjacky said...

Wonderful rainbow....the light at the end of the tunnel,maybe....fingers crossed!

Sinead said...

I really love this photo - we had a double rainbow a couple of weeks ago at school, and brought the kids out to see it because it was so beautiful!
The storms and flooding and trees falling have been scary over here in Ireland too, the weather has just been unbelievable for the last while. Hope you are all ok and safe and warm :) x

Becky said...

What a great photo - glad you managed to capture it. Hope that the flooding is not too bad for you.

Amy said...

Our earth is certainly in contrast at the moment - floods are terrible and I can only imagine how hemmed in everyone feels over there - the rainbow adds a lovely splash of colour and hope!

Unknown said...

wow, what a great moment- keep safe and warm :)

Anonymous said...

The ultimate 'Every cloud has a silver (or rainbow coloured) lining'!

Sian said...

It's so good to hear that you are safe and warm. The news stories just don't stop, do they? It's heartbreaking

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

Beautifully written! Glad you all are safe!

Honoré said...

That is what I love about Mother Nature: she always redeems herself with something gorgeous! Great post…and I hope the weather's calmer now. Stay safe and warm.

This West London Life said...

Fabulous photo! There's a lot of rainbows around just now, but I doubt they are of any comfort to householders who have been flooded.

Alison said...

Hope the worst of the weather is over, Deb..there have been some dreadful extremes worldwide...glad you are safe
Alison xx

Cheri said...

Oh my - that is beautiful Deb! I do hope things settle down. Seems mother nature is out-of-sorts all around the globe lately! We are still in the midst of a very white winter wonderland.

Susanne said...

Great photo, it's a good thing Mother Nature reminds us that good things are to come. My heart breaks for all those suffering in the floods. Take care.