Wednesday 5 March 2014

ZIZO The birthday edition

24 years ago we welcomed our son into the world. That boy has certainly kept us entertained over the years and we love him to bits. He's living in Edinburgh at the moment, supporting his girlfriend while she studies for her Masters at Edinburgh University. But he managed a long weekend back home which strangely coincided with the opportunity to return to Scotland with his hand luggage full of birthday presents. Lucky that eh?!
So you can't have a pre-birthday visit without a pre-birthday cake can you? Perfect for Helena's meme of zooming in ...
And zooming out 
We thoroughly enjoyed having him home, even though it was just for a few days and I am already counting down the months to when he will be back 'down South' again for good. 
Other news since I last blogged is that I made a new cushion cover for our newly decorated bedroom.  I'm planning to make a couple more of different designs to add a bit of colour to the room. 
I don't work on a Wednesday and when I go into work the next day, people often ask me what I've done with my day off.  Quite often the answer is 'I just really spent most of the day sewing.' And I can see from their faces that they are thinking 'Sewing?  Seriously? You spent your day off sewing?' Maybe they think that's a bit boring, or a bit 'fuddy duddy'.   Maybe we could give sewing a bit more of a risque reputation if all us sewing people went onto Amazon and bought this book ... 


helena said...

the cake looks super yum

Sian said...

Haha!..reminds me of sewing bee last night when Claudia jokingly told one of the sewers she was "pure filth". At least, I think that's what she said...

Brilliant cake. When he comes home does he bring Edinburgh Rock? I love Edinburgh Rock and always ask fro some in the hand luggage

This West London Life said...

I love the colours in the zoom in shot.
Maybe you should photograph your day off, hour by hour and then colleagues would have a better understanding of what "sewing" entails.

Amy said...

So ... am I still going to be making a version of that cake for the next 15 years or so?! ;)

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

What a delicious looking cake! Love the pillow too!

Alison said...

Pretty pillow....and glad you enjoyed DS's visit home!
Alison xx

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

The next time I come back to England I want one of those cakes for pudding. ;o) I've seen them on blogs but have never had one like it. Is the inside a layer cake, frosted and then candy stuck on?

Love your throw pillow (cushion) and oh what I would give to have one day a week off work just for sewing!

BTW - this weekend is the one-year anniversary of our trip to England!