Monday 27 July 2015

Me on the first Monday of the school holidays

When you have a terrible fear of dentists, and the thought of just a check up gives you sleepless nights in the week leading up to an appointment, what's the worst feeling you could have all weekend? Toothache. I woke up on Saturday with a little niggle of sensitivity, and by mid morning was googling 'home treatments for toothache'. Despite salt water washes and covering teeth with toothpaste for sensitive teeth, by Sunday I realised I would have to start Monday by 'biting the bullet' (ironic turn of phrase) and trying to get an emergency appointment. I don't like going twice a year so to have to add an extra visit, which would clearly end in fear and pain, was not appealing.  I tried to convince myself it could be sinus related so considered the possibility of a doctor's appointment too.  One way or another I need to get this sorted before my holiday!
So this is how Me on Monday looks

How cruel to have a cafe advertising Milky Way chocolate milkshakes right next door to the dentist!
Anyway after a thorough investigation, blasts of cold air to find the sensitive tooth, a deep X-ray and general poke around, the diagnosis was porous enamel. So with a covering of sealant over it, I skipped happily out the door.  I was imagining far, far worse so to come out with just a bill for £17 was a huge relief.  Unfortunately I was to have no food and drink for two hours so I wasn't able to slink in next door and celebrate with a milkshake.

I've also been with Coco to Pets at Home to choose some pick and mix treats and buy a 10m training lead.  She's been a bit of a pickle off lead recently and there's a stretch of woodland near our park which is obviously full of rabbits.  You can see her stop, nose up in the air, whiskers a-twitching, front paw up in the classic hunting pose and she's off.  There's been a lot of calling, whistling and recall button clicking before she returns covered in twigs and mud. So, no more off lead in that area until bunny season is over again. Our neighbour's dog was gone 45 mins in that area last week and returned bruised and bloodied so I think the bunnies are fighting back! I reckon 10 metres of freedom is plenty for her to have a good run round without the stress of losing her.
Once again we had all four seasons in one weekend here. We had so much rain on Friday that parts of the town were submerged. Whenever this happens the local papers always get a picture of a car up to its wheel arches in flooding, why do they try and get through? Crazy.  Then Saturday was nice, then it all returned again yesterday.  Our daughter went to see the Anniversary games at the Olympic Park on Saturday and had a fab time. It's one of those places that is on my list of wanting to go. It's so close, there really is no excuse.
So, how's your Monday shaping up? I'm giving a big wave to Sian to say welcome back and thanks for suggesting we all share our Mondays.


Sian said...

Ooh: I'm glad the tooth story turned out okay in the end. Sorry, I had to laugh at all the things you tried because I've been there, done that, right down to trying to convince myself I had sinus lol

Have a good week!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Toothache is the worst! I don't mind the dentist, but you'd have to drag me kicking and screaming to the hairdresser! Glad it turned out to be a simple (and inexpensive) fix :-)

Alison said...

Glad the visit to the Dentist turned out to be fairly painless...I HATE the thought of going to the dentist too! Xx said...

Not the nicest of ways to start the week :(, but must be a huge relief to have it sorted. I like your phrase about having four seasons in a short space of time - so true!

This West London Life said...

I count my visit to the dentist and hygienist as a necessary evil! I'm glad that it wasn't anything horribly serious and expensive.

Patio Postcards said...

Glad your dental experience was quick and painless. Poor dentists, no one likes to see them. ;)

Cheri said...

So glad the dentist turned out to be such a non-event! Enjoy your holiday!