Friday 24 July 2015

Two days of the holidays in

And I've already spent a lot of money.  Money well spent though I believe.  You see it's our 35th wedding anniversary this year and we've been talking about going away for a long weekend for a while.  We've also been talking about visiting Lisbon for a while.  So let's just say it's great when a plan comes together. 
I'm sharing another scavenger hunt photo: the one that shows people plugged into social media.  Here's my daughter and her partner; with her watching 'Love Island' on her ipad and him checking instagram:

I'm hoping that I will be able to get the majority of the outstanding ones when we go away.  England really isn't that much of a flag flying country and the chance of getting three on a flagpole is not going to be easy I fear.  I'm hoping that Italy will be more patriotic!  My husband's already talking about getting a local bus to Lucca and Pisa so I'm cautiously optimistic about a ticket office being ticked off the list too.  Fancy door knockers?  Old Italian towns must be full to overflowing of those surely? 

The good news is that my toe is getting better (those of a delicate disposition or foot phobia should look away now)
Still pretty bruised but I can now get a sandal on without crying out in pain and I can move my toe again.  So I think the initial diagnosis of broken toe may have been a bit over the top but badly bruised seems to be accurate.  Will it be fully healed by the time I get on a plane ... watch this space and keep your fingers (and toes) crossed for me.  It's got time to heal, provided I don't do anything else stupid.  Maybe I should wear protective footwear for the next week or so - just in case! 


This West London Life said...

Yikes, that is one beaten up foot! Here's to a speedy complete recovery in time for your holiday.

Lou said...

ooh that does look nasty. Hope it's fully fixed ready for your wonderful trip, and good luck scavenger hunting x said...

Golly, that really shouts 'black and blue'! Your trip sounds wonderful, and my DD tells me that Lucca is glorious and well worth the visit.

Anonymous said...

LUCCA IS A WONDERFUL CITY! If you fancy the journey Siena is equally lovely. The cathedral is divine and the city itself is small but gorgeous! Happy Holidays! Ouch your foot looks very painful.

Anonymous said...

Oh my what a beautiful bruise. Glad it is on the mend. I did see two flags up a pole on Saturday but am still on the hunt for three!