Sunday 8 April 2018

Neglected blogging

I don't know if it's because I've jotting down what I'm doing every day in a draft blog post to post at the end of the month or some other such excuse but I haven't done a normal blog post in a while.  Now I've started this one, I'm struggling for what subject to write about, if I were Coco, this would be me, staring out the window hoping that inspiration will come and find me...

Last week of the Easter school holidays here and I'm trying to get organised for our weekend away.  This happens every time I go away.  I have plenty of time to get organised and then leave everything until the last minute.  The weather forecast out there is a bit mixed so I'm in a clothing dilemma especially as we are going 'hand luggage only' so I've got to organise what fashion magazines call 'a capsule wardrobe'.  Or put some of my clothes in my husband's bag ... 😉

My current problem is finding a pair of shoes I can wear in the evening, that are smart enough to look good with a dress, yet low heeled and comfortable enough in case we have to walk a fair distance from our hotel to a restaurant on what may be cobbled streets (a few of my smart shoes are only comfortable enough to walk from car park to restaurant!) and can't be made of fabric or suede in case it's raining.  These shoes do not exist in my wardrobe, compromises will have to be made ... {or some last minute shopping}

I'm having my final birthday treat today - the people I work with bought me a voucher for a local restaurant which has a lovely Sunday lunch menu.  I am so looking forward to not cooking today!  This restaurant used to run cookery classes and I used to go there once a month to watch the chef make three or four dishes on a certain theme, then sample them, along with suggested wines.  I would come home on a Thursday night, slightly merry, full of good food and recipes to try out at home.  So I know the food will be great quality and such a treat to not be the one in the kitchen cooking.

Our son flew out to Copenhagen on Friday to visit a friend he met at uni and he's flying back into Stansted later tonight so we have him staying over.  His flight gets in at 11.35 pm - do you think he'll be able to come in at midnight quietly and not wake us up?  No, neither do I! There'll be the slam of a taxi door, a fumble to get the key in the lock, the front door will open and close noisily, Coco will be in guard dog mode and will run up and down stairs to let us know someone's come in and we'll all be wide awake.  Maybe I'd better have a post-lunch Sunday afternoon nap 😴

Have a good Sunday!


Patio Postcards said...

I can so relate to your blogging dilemma & I look like Coco too. Oh what fun in planning a trip - good luck with the show dilemma.

Maggie said...

Sounds like a shoe shopping trip is on the cards. I smiled when you said about your son. The girls ate doing night trips to the lambing shed. Can they come back in quietly? No! They even seem to think I want to know what deliveries they have had in the early hours. Then there are the phone calls for dad to come out and help with a difficult birth in the early hours. Luckily it only goes on for a few weeks!

debs14 said...

I was watching Countryfile last night and saw how busy the farmers are this time of year. Well, any time of year really eh? I used to work with a lady whose husband was a farmer and she would often have to have a little lunchtime nap as she'd been up since early hours helping and then cooking breakfast for the workers before she left for work!

This West London Life said...

I love that photo of Coco!
I'm all for a nap, if you can squeeze one into your day - I'm thinking about one right now ... at 07.49 hours!