Saturday 28 April 2018

Where did that week go?

I used to be such a reliable blogger and am trying to figure out where I lost my routine.  I used to join in with other blogger's memes such as 'Simply a Moment', 'Me on Monday' and 'One photo and twenty words' but I've definitely fallen by the wayside.

So let me correct that by explaining what I've been doing this afternoon:

(One picture)

Homemade vanilla fudge is so absolutely delicious it is well worth the twenty minutes stirring that you have to do!

(Twenty words)

This is the best fudge recipe I have found.  Forget 'easy' fudge.  Forget 'quick' fudge.  If you want fabulous fudge you have to put in a little bit of 'elbow grease'. Do you want the recipe?  It's so old, the measurements are still in old fashioned imperial not metric.

1lb granulated sugar
1 tin condensed milk
1/2 lb unsalted butter 
2 dessertspoons milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
pinch of salt

Grease a tin that is about 10" x 8" and leave it in the fridge to keep chilled

Melt butter
Stir in all other ingredients

Bring to boil and then stir for 20 minutes.  Don't leave it or it will catch on the bottom of the pan and you'll end up with little bits of burnt sugar in the mix (there speaks the voice of experience!). After 20 mins, your arm will be aching but you'll have used up enough calories to eat a square of it later.  😆
Get tin out of fridge and pour the mixture into the tin and then - this is a crucial bit - pour it back into the pan.  I know it seems a faff but there is something about the hot mixture cooling down quickly and then reboiling that give the fudge a wonderful texture.
Health & Safety message - boiling fudge mixture is so very hot, be very careful in the pouring back and forth, do not let it splash on skin (again, the voice of experience!)

Reboil the mixture - still stirring - for about 3 more mins then pour back into tin.  Leave to cool a little until you can mark up squares with a knife and then chill in fridge until properly set.  

Have a fabulous weekend!  And let me know if you decide to try the fudge - trust me, once you've made it you will never want supermarket fudge again.

4 comments: said...

Oh, I have never had any luck making fudge but I am sure that is because I'm very impatient. Stirring for 20 minutes sounds nearly impossible for me. But I am sure one taste of the fudge would convince me otherwise.

I seem to have weeks where I blog right on schedule and then weeks where I forget I have a schedule!! Since January, I have been writing all my posts for the month in my agenda and that has really helped. But life has a way of undoing the best laid plans.

Patio Postcards said...

Thanks for the recipe. I try to make fudge at Christmas as part of gift giving.

The blogging life is certainly changing & one thing I have learned over the very short period of time that I have blogged; go with what feels right for you. I see that Ruth still does One Photo, 20 words & I try to keep up with Me On A Monday. Sandie still does 5 in 5 on the 5th. So many wonderful memes have glowed & faded ... alas change, progress or life's little detours.

Maggie said...

One thing I have learned about blogging is that you have to have the right mindset. When my mood is wrong I just can't write anything. I would love to make that fudge but then I would eat it...

This West London Life said...

Waving at you as we move into a new week and a new month!