Monday 15 October 2018

Me on a Monday

I'm actually writing this post on Sunday as I know I'm not going to have much time to myself on Monday.

You know by now that the person using up much of my free time at the moment is a certain young munchkin called Leo.  Well, Leo's mum has two hospital appointments on Monday which will take up much of the morning so guess who has been invited to accompany Leo to his pre-school morning? Nanny Deb.  Must remember to wear appropriate clothing that is suitable for sitting on the floor and a bit of messy play (not my normal Monday wardrobe)

So last week you saw me trying to understand the plot of a Shakespearean play.  I didn't have high hopes for it bearing in mind it was being performed in a school hall (not always the most atmospheric of places) and it was not one of the plays I ever studied at school so I wasn't totally sure of the story.  Well, thank goodness I was wearing waterproof mascara because I honestly had tears of laughter rolling down my face at times!  It was so good.  The cast were brilliant and added in just the right amount of modern drama and improvisation.  If you ever come across The Pantaloons I would really recommend you see a performance.  I think their next shows will be A Christmas Carol and we probably all know the storyline of that one!

Last week I took a little time out for myself in between all the Leo time and had a much needed hair cut and colour and then a manicure.  I don't often have a manicure but I am so pleased that I did, I think my own well being has been taking a bit of a back seat recently and I needed a little bit of pampering.  It's very easy to overlook yourself when you are busy taking care of others.

It was unusual for me not to be in the kitchen serving up Sunday Lunch to four generations of family this week.  Our daughter in law had to work this weekend so our son rang and asked if we'd fancy going over to their house and he'd cook lunch.  Well, I did not have to think twice over that one - yes please!  

Will we ever progress with the decorating of the landing?  Who knows?  Now I've got gloriously manicured nails I can't see me doing much without the aid of a pair of rubber gloves so it's down to my husband to get his hands dirty now.  We have the paint.  We have the brushes/rollers/masking tape.  We just need to have some time when there isn't a little two year old running around trying to 'help'.

We also need the enthusiasm.  I had some spare time yesterday when in all honesty I could possibly have painted another skirting board but instead I got out the sewing machine, chopped up some fabric and made a little bag for Leo to keep his random treasures in.  All those bits and bobs that are essential to take out with you when you are two.  A conker, a Thomas the Tank Engine, a car, crayon, ball ... When he knows we are about to go out, he goes round gathering up all little things to take with him.  And then drops them one by one when we walk to the car.  Now he has a bag to put them in.  (And I still have unpainted skirting boards!)

Have a good Monday!


This West London Life said...

It really is quite hard getting things done with a toddler on the loose, isn't it?! I hope he loves his new treasures bag - it's very sweet.

Patio Postcards said...

Oh I wish I had a Nanny Deb to make me a bag like Leo's Treasure Bag. That is quite something. I agree with you about self care, we all forget ourselves in taking care of others. I know the sandal weather is over but I would like to treat myself to a pedicure.

Jodie's Touch of Style said...

Maybe that's the reason I need to get my nails done?? Then I can't do the dirty work...ha ha.
I'm so glad the play was fabulous!
Kiss that little Leo for me!!

Barbara Eads said...

We're all so used to being "moms" and all the work that goes with it! It's no wonder that we jump at the chance to visit our children's for a meal once in awhile. It doesn't happen often enough! I guess that's what makes it so special. I hope your son can cook!!