Monday 18 March 2019

Me on Monday

My first Monday being 61 - wish me luck!

I hope to be spending today working a few hours on one of my birthday presents

Another jigsaw puzzle!  Called 'I love Summer' and a picture of everything that makes up a day at an old fashioned holiday resort in the UK in cartoon form.  It's very clever and I'm enjoying putting it together.

The best birthday present I had was the news that Leo has passed the egg allergy challenge!   They can now start to add egg into his diet.  It was a long day though, 7 hours at the hospital.  I was babysitting Rosie for the first time and she was here for 8 hours but was a very well behaved guest.  

Last week I was also anxiously waiting for my blood test results and fortunately they have come back within 'normal' range so no further action needed - happy days!  I'm going to keep being mindful of the amount of sugar I eat though, doesn't hurt to keep on the straight and narrow.  

We had a fun weekend, a group of us were invited round to mutual friends for dinner followed by a games night.  I was a little dubious about what that may entail but it was actually a great laugh.  We came home poorer than we left but not totally out of pocket!  Isn't it often the way that the events you are a little unsure about end up being the most fun?

I guess I should spend a bit more time sorting out some photos for the next decade of my life story, but the trouble is that you open a box of photos and you lose hours browsing through all the memories.  Of course the 70s involves Teenage Deb, The Disco Years.  This could take some time ...


Patio Postcards said...

Sounds like the new year of 61 is starting off very well. I am pleased for you to hear that your blood tests have come back "normal" & yeah to eggs for Leo. But I agree paying attention to our diets is so critical - "let food be our medicine" Disco Deb! Cannot wait for those photos. My fitness class leader keeps 99% of the music in our workouts within the 80's & she still rocks out leg warmers!

Jodie's Touch of Style said...

I feel the same way...once I start looking at photos, I've lost the whole day. But it's a good day because of all of the fabulous memories!!

This West London Life said...

Good to hear that both you and the lovely Leo had positive results!
Go on, show us Disco Deb!!