Monday 6 May 2019

Me on Bank Holiday Monday

It's hard to keep track of Bank Holiday Mondays when you're retired as every Monday is a day off - but here we are at the first of two Bank Holidays in May.

I'm checking out the list of things on the Photo Scavenger Hunt list that is run by Mary-Lou.  You can find the list here and it would be great if you could join in too, the more the merrier!  I am already thinking that there may be one or two I may struggle with but I've never let it beat me yet so I fully intend to find 'a funny or meaningful bumper sticker' even if I have to make one myself 😂. I was thinking that this might cross off number 13 but I think the white lettering of Leo's letter blocks may count as a third colour ...

We've had an injured pup here this weekend.  Coco's main job description involves protecting her family from squirrels and it's a job she takes very seriously.  Those pesky squirrels know how much they wind her up and take full advantage of their ability to climb.  Saturday morning we were walking down the lane that leads to the lake and a squirrel suddenly jumped out of a bush and ran up a fence panel.  It then tightroped across the top of the fence and then hurled itself, above our heads, to a tree on the other side of the lane.  We all held our breath to see if it would manage the distance or whether we would suddenly have a grey furry bundle of angry squirrelness fall on our heads - obviously Coco's worst nightmare.  So she threw herself at the fence panel, twisted and we think she must have fallen awkwardly as she started to limp a little.  We carried on a little further, but cut the walk shorter than normal and she just laid around all day.  Sunday dawned and it was as if nothing had happened, maybe we won't have to go to the vets today after all.

I've been tentatively thinking about what to pack for our holiday to Portugal next week.  As most of what I will take won't have been worn since last September, there will have to be a 'does this still fit?' session later today.  Which could end up in a frantic buying spree for larger size clothes, re-thinking what we'll be eating for the next 10 days or smugly walking around knowing that I'm still the same size as I was last holiday.  Place your bets now!


Patio Postcards said...

Deb I like your block title for the SPSH - it's got me thinking of creating something similar (uummm thinking cap on). Oh poor Coco, hopefully nothing lasting other than pride of not catching said squirrel. I think you & the travel clothes will get on just fine - you have been working out at two classes & that has to count for something.

This West London Life said...

I've ticked off one or two items from the list during my recent solo adventure - I thought I would spot the car bumper sticker no problem ... didn't happen.