Friday 7 February 2020

Do you believe in fate?

There have been far too many 'coincidences' going on around here for me not to believe in fate at the moment.

I'll share the last couple with you.  Paul had lent Jon his electric drill as he wanted to put up some shelves and a new bathroom cabinet and why buy your own drill when you can borrow Dad's?  With the revamp of our spare bedroom, Paul needed it back (we also find that if you don't reclaim things you lend out to sons and daughters, you rarely ever get them back!) so Jon offered to pop it in on Sunday afternoon.  It seemed silly to come over here just to return the drill so I offered Sunday lunch as well - any excuse to have extra time with baby Max!  They decided that as they were here, they would go and visit Paul's mum and on the way there, bumped into Rachel and her family who had decided to include a visit with a Sunday afternoon walk.

On Tuesday, Jon rang to say they had childcare dilemmas on Thursday; Sophie had to go into London for a meeting in advance of her returning to work.  Her mum couldn't look after Max as she is a nanny and the other child she looks after on a Thursday had dreadful conjunctivitis.  He was working from home that day but had a dentist apt where we live in the afternoon.  So we agreed that he would work from home here while I looked after Max.

On Thursday morning we had a call after breakfast from the care home to say that Paul's mum had passed away in her sleep about 5am.  I called Rachel in the hope I could contact her before she arrived at work and she was just about to go and visit Alma before work as she just had a feeling that she should go.  So I was able to stop her from arriving there and being told the news by the care home staff.  She came straight round here, and five minutes later Jon arrived.  

So while it is sad that she is gone, she had declined so much in the last week and no one wanted her to suffer.  To pass in her sleep, at 93 really was the best thing for her.  In the last couple of days she had mostly slept and woke after vivid dreams of family members who had died years before so I am hoping that as she closed her eyes for the last time, they were all waiting for her in that final dream.

Coincidence that all grandchildren and great grandchildren got to visit her on Sunday - which was the last day that she was fully awake and aware of who people were?  Coincidence that both our children were here yesterday to comfort and support Paul?  Life has a strange way of working out sometimes doesn't it?


Cate Brickell said...

Sorry for your loss, but you’re right, wonderful that grand and great grandkids got the chance to spend time with her.

Patio Postcards said...

Deb (& Paul) I'm very sorry for your loss. You're right about what a perfect way for your MIL to make the transition from this world to ...? and how perfect that she got to say goodbye to all those she loved most & that she was getting a warm welcome from those gone before. Fate & Life co-author so much.

Cheri said...

So sorry for your loss Deb, but it sounds like it played out in the best possible way. And that couldn't be replicated if you tried. The Universe was working overtime to make all that happen!

Catherine said...

How wonderful that your MIL had all her family to visit at the end. I am so sorry for your loss. We were at an Aunts funeral yesterday and it was wonderful to celebrate her long life with all the extended family and friends. A sad, but happy as well, occasion if you know what I mean.
A life well lived is a wonderful accomplishment.

This West London Life said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. xx

Jodie's Touch of Style said...

What a blessing everyone did get to visit her. Otherwise there is always that feeling of regret which does us no good!!!
Big hugs!!

Deb's World said...

It does seem that way, and things have worked out well Deb. I'm sorry to hear of your family's loss.

alexa said...

I am catching up, and sad to read of the death of Paul's Mum - and marvelling at the coincidences and what it has meant for you all ... Sending warm and gentle thoughts to you all ... said...

Oh, Deb, I missed this post somehow. I am so sorry for your loss and Paul's. Grateful that your mother-in-law just slipped away after the difficult week she had had. I don't believe it was coincidence at all that had the whole family gathered round that Sunday. It was a blessed day and she was able to let go shortly afterward. My grandmother, too, began having vivid dreams of long lost family right before she died. And now I see my mom struggling after her recent stroke to remember our names and to keep straight where we are, who we are. Praying that you and Paul and family can take some comfort in knowing your mum-in-law is at peace. Hopefully welcomed by all those she had been visiting in her dreams. So sorry to have missed this post earlier. Thinking of you.

Barbara Eads said...

I've had this post on my list for a couple months now. I'm finally getting around to going through it. Although I was sorry to hear about Paul's mum, I agree--to go in your sleep at 93 seems like the best way!! But what I could totally relate to was your comment about things you "loan" your children have a way of never coming back home! My daughters have wonderful sets of plastic storage containers while I have cool whip containers and butter tubs!!