Monday 3 February 2020

Sentence a Day January 2020

2020 - Welcome to the first month of the new year - new decade!  

Condensing each day into one sentence and ending with a video clip of one second of each day  - a true modern day diary!

Day 1 Hour long dog walk to start the day, then catching up on chores and arranging a couple of social events for later this month

Day 2 Childminding day - highlight of the day for Leo? Finding a big box in the garage which became an aeroplane, boat, car, treasure chest ... even better, Nanny is only 5' 1" so she fits in too!

Day 3 Decided to be brave and go for something a bit different at the hairdressers, when you've been poorly isn't it lovely to go and be pampered for a couple of hours?

Also had friends over for drinks in the evening to compensate for not seeing them on New Years Eve 

Day 4 Went into town and picked up some travel brochures to help choose this year's holiday destination - even with the whole internet to browse, it is still nice to actually flick through a brochure

Day 5 What a treat!  Invited to Rachel's for Sunday lunch; Jon and family came too and it was so lovely to see all the grandchildren at the same time 💗

Day 6 Trying to be more organised with weekly meal plans and trying new recipes - tonight we had smoked haddock risotto with poached egg on top - absolutely delicious

Day 7 Rachel and her family have asked us to go on holiday with them so in June we will be off to Sagres in Portugal; still undecided about where to go for our 40th anniversary in September #prettysureitwillbeItaly

Day 8 Paul went into hospital for a minor operation so a quiet day spent at home 

Day 9 Visited local care homes as we think Paul's 93 year old mum is now finding it too difficult to live at home on her own, followed by the first Zumba of the new year!  

Day 10 Another fall has meant that MIL has moved into a care home near us today, she is just too frail to stay on her own any longer, even though it is hard it is totally the right decision all round.

Day 11 Lunch out with Paul, Jon and the gorgeous baby Max at Giggling Squid

Day 12 Went over to M-I-L's house to pack a bag with a few more bits for her, I think a gradual move is easier for everyone

Day 13 Bought a new tankini swimsuit ready for my holiday - the label said it had 'magic shaping' but I'm not convinced that I can totally rely on the design making me look ok by the pool, I may have to try a bit harder at Zumba to strengthen all the wobbly bits!

Day 14 Our childminding day and I'd promised Leo we could make a cake together - I have a reputation of being messy in the kitchen and I think that Leo may have inherited that trait

Day 15 Tackled a job that I have been putting off for months - thoroughly cleaning the wooden Venetian blinds in the kitchen, they're 7 feet wide and in a bay window so quite a task to do properly. 

Day 16 Zumba class - lots of exercises with resistance bands, I think my arms are going to ache tomorrow

Day 17 Damp and drizzly day so tackled some jobs at home that I've been putting off for ages, like cleaning and polishing all my winter shoes and boots (thank goodness I don't have that many!)

Day 18 Started decorating the back bedroom - it hasn't been decorated for years, it's not going to be a quick fix.

Day 19 More decorating, visited M-I-L who seems to be getting frailer by the day, she slept for most of our time there.

Day 20 Appointment at the dentist - my least favourite place but thankfully x-rays confirmed no work to be done.  Also anniversary of losing my dad 31 years ago, it sounds such a long time.

Day 21 Childminding day, Rosie is now walking so that brings new challenges - nothing is safe!

Day 22 Painted the skirting boards and ordered the new blinds for the spare bedroom/study

Day 23 Went for a meal with friends to our favourite Indian restaurant, chicken shashlik was delicious

Day 24 Helped Rachel take Rosie for a blood test, went to visit M-I-L in the care home for her 93rd birthday

Day 25 Went to see a Beatles tribute band in a local music venue

Day 26 Had Rachel and family over for Sunday lunch, cooked my favourite dessert - lemon meringue pie

Day 27 Decorating finished - carpet arriving tomorrow!

Day 28 Childminding day, new carpet fitted - I guess that tomorrow will involve moving furniture back in.

Day 29 Our wine supplies looked a bit depleted after Christmas so we enjoyed going to Majestic Wines and spending a £75 voucher I had received for renewing a magazine subscription.

Day 30 Should have gone out for a meal with three friends but due to illness it ended up being a table for two, we still had a good evening though.

Day 31 Brexit - Britain left the EU at 11pm, I voted for us to remain so feeling a bit sad today, over the friends for drinks in the evening to drown our sorrows.

Ending with my normal 1 Second Every Day video 

and asking if you are joining in too!  Official date for posting is later, but I like to start my new month with a round up of the previous one so I'm early to the party.
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


Patio Postcards said...

Such a lovely way to remember all the things about the month. I hope your MIL is settling in to her new home. Like the photo of you in the box boat/train/plane.

This West London Life said...

Another full and varied month for you. I also hope that your MiL is feeling settled and safe in her new home.
I was outside in the garden with Tilly at 11 pm last Friday (not intentionally) - it was quiet around us, but there was a huge firework setting off a few miles away - sounded a bit like the Blitz (on a smaller scale, obviously). I'm pleased to have my Irish citizenship ...

Catherine said...

It is amazing how much you achieve in the month and this is such a good way of documenting it.
I like the new flick in your hair. Is the colour very slightly different too?
Moving is traumatic at any age but probably more unsettling in old age. I hope your MIL settles and makes friends in her new home.

Jane said...

I do hope your MIL is settling in well, I felt a traitor when we moved my mum into a home but I know it was the right decision and she had a lot more company there

Joanne said...

Oh I just bet they loved having you in the box with them! Sounds like you have some great travel plans too.

Deb's World said...

It's always great to read your monthly updates Deb, it is so interesting to see what the other Deb's World is up to and to get to know you better! Your babysitting looks fun and I envy you having the grandchildren quite close by!! I feel for you with your MIL it is something I don't look forward to after having to put my father in a care home a few years ago. All the best for your 40th wedding anniversary trip plans, we really do have a lot in common, not just our blog names :) . Have a great February ahead.

Natasha said...

I find even at my kids' current ages (almost 11 and 8 1/2) a giant box is an excellent plaything! It sparks so much creative play.

And I really hope your MIL is settling in okay -- those transitions can be so hard.

Natasha said...

PS. I'm a newer (substitute) school secretary which I have been loving!!! It's such a great job!

Jo Tracey said...

Sounds like a good balanced month - and your hair looks fab. Also some travel to look forward to in the warmer months. I wondered how the actuality of Brexit must feel for those who had voted to remain...

Natalie said...

I enjoyed reading your monthly updates, Deb. I hope your MIL is comfortable in her new home. Your travel plans sound wonderful. Have a great February! #sentenceaday

Viki said...

That seems like a good month. Love how you are documenting it.
Thank you

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

Very impressed with your one second a day video! I don't think I'll follow you on that! Your hair looks great and you did so many things! said...

Yay for finding a box big enough for Nanny and the grands! Boxes are the BEST! My daughters played with them until well after most kids were doing illegal things like drugs and drinking. Did my heart good to have 2 rather immature daughters. Barbies were always a big hit with them, too.
Lemon meringue pie or coconut cream. Mmmm.
Hope your MIL has settled in well. We are facing having to move my mom again. So stressful for us and her.
Thought I was going to have both daughters here this weekend but when the flu struck Lauren's family, Brennyn and her family chickened out of coming. Understandably. It is so nice to have everyone together, though.
Will look forward to pictures of the updated back bedroom when you get it all set up.