Monday, 1 February 2021

A sentence a day in January

It's a new year!  2021, we all have high hopes for you.  We certainly hope that you are a vast improvement on the year we have just left.  

For posterity I should record that we start the year in Tier 4 restrictions.  Pretty much confined to home with your own household only, except for meeting with one other person outside, and those in childcare bubbles can have those children (not their parents) inside their homes.  All non essential shops and services are closed.

Day 1 A chilly start to the new year - a day where staying home and not going outside except for a dog walk is all that is on the agenda

Day 2 Started to dismantle Christmas, starting with the decorations in the conservatory; watched the first episode of The Undoing in the evening

Day 3 Took down the Christmas tree and all the other decorations in the house; although the lounge looks a bit bare now, there is part of me that likes to get things back to normal

Day 4 Dentist appointment to replace the broken wisdom tooth filling - worried about it all morning then in the end I was only in the surgery 15 mins - memo to self 'must try not to be so anxious.  Boris Johnson on tv this evening announced another full lockdown #feelingdespondent    

Day 5 Feeling very down today at the prospect of at least another 6 weeks confined to home, somehow it seems even worse this time

Day 6 Watched another episode of Bridgerton (I'm not normally keen on period dramas but I'm enjoying this one) did a bit more jigsawing and then a dog walk 

Day 7 Zumba - Coco went to Rachel's for a sleepover in the evening

Day 8 'Attended' the funeral (via Youtube) of a lovely lady that I used to work with, she packed so much into her 87 years and was a real inspiration to all who knew her

Day 9 What day is it?  Saturday?  They are all merging into one now!  

Day 10 Today's dog walk was freezing cold but beautiful 

Day 11 Tried a Joe Wicks PE lesson - I'm not sure if I'll be doing that again, I don't think it's aimed at my age group!

Day 12 Coco went to the groomers - lucky girl getting a spa day and haircut

Day 13 Max went to hospital to have tests on his heart (his mummy has a genetic condition that can be passed on) what a relief to be told that all looks good and he doesn't need to go back until he is five

Day 14 Zumba in the morning, made a cake and Leo and Rosie came round in the afternoon for some childcare bubbling.

Day 15 Really getting stuck into my crochet today, I can honestly say that I am 'hooked'

Day 16 Woke up to a thin layering of snow today, it didn't last long but it was fun while it lasted; had a lovely long video chat with our son and family, was so good to see Max again even if it is only via a phone link.

Day 17 Sunday - another week bites the dust!  

Day 18 Went into town to collect a parcel, Paul's back has gone into spasm and I am on full dog walking duties ...

Day 19 Watched Greys Anatomy, crocheted and jigsawed!

Day 20 It's now been 32 years since my dad died, gosh that's more than half my lifetime, will always be a day of memories for me.  In other news, Joe Biden is now President of the USA.

Day 21 Zoom Zumba where the theme was 70s disco classics - what a fun class!  Took Leo and Rosie for a walk in the afternoon.

Day 22 Went for a walk with my friend Mandy, normally we would see her and her husband at least twice a month either for meals out or drinks round each others houses, now we have to make do with socially distanced walks outside.

Day 23 Same old, same old - crochet, jigsaw, lunch, dog walk, cook dinner, eat dinner ...

Day 24 It snowed!  Not for long and not very much but enough for every kid in town to get out and slide or make teeny tiny snowmen. 

Day 25 The slushy snow froze overnight and the pavements were treacherous in the morning which made for an 'interesting' dog walk.

Day 26 Woke up to a beautiful sunrise.  Made Paul a hat! 

Day 27 Dog walk, jigsaw, lunch, crochet ...

Day 28 Zoom Zumba, took Leo and Rosie out to the park so that Rosie could have a nap in the buggy and Leo could show Grandad his football skills.

Day 29 Had Leo and Rosie over for a couple of hours in the afternoon so our daughter could get some 'working from home' done - we all really enjoyed it!

Day 30 Wet and miserable day with slushy sleet all day, dog walks were much shorter today.

Day 31 Bright and sunny for our dog walk this morning - fortunately I wore my wellies as it was decidedly muddy in the places where the sun hadn't yet melted the frost.

And finally, the month in video form - 1 Second Everyday


Patio Postcards said...

I chuckled at few of your day's comments - same old same old, what day is it, all blending into one - which I think what many of us a feeling. Glad to hear that Max had a good health check up & how lovely to spent some Grandparent time with Leo & Rosie. Lucky Paul that you made him a hat.

Barbara Eads said...

One thing that really stood out to me was your statement about taking down the Christmas decorations in the "conservatory"! That sounds so posh! It's just not a word that is ever used around here unless you are playing Clue!! Sounds like you've had a great start to the new year despite the level 4 restrictions!

Women Living Well After 50 said...

Hi Deb, I feel for you still in lockdown as where I live in Australia, restrictions have eased - for the moment, but who knows! I love that you haven't let COVID restrictions hold you back and you still managed to have a busy January. Zoomba is so much fun isn't it. I hope that life returns to some sense of normalcy for you soon.

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

70s disco zumba sounds fun! I really should try out via Zoom where people can't see if I'm making a hash of it. You'e lucky to be able to crochet - I can't do that or knit. And pity about the snow - same here - just a sprinkling here and there. Maybe more will follow.

Fairytales and Fitness said...

Your Coco is beautiful! What breed of dog is she/he?
I can relate to the same ole, same ole and being at home!
Things are opening back up where I am and Schools are back in session. I am looking forward to things getting back to normal ( or as normal as they can be for the times we are living in).

(I am new to the link up and it was nice visiting your page)
-Meranda @ Fairytales and Fintess

This West London Life said...

That's a busy month for a month of staying at home! How lucky you are to have a childcare bubble with your grandchildren. I am desperate to see our great nephews in person rather than via Zoom (where they wander off after about 5 minutes!).

Cathy said...

I enjoyed your post. Loving the crochet you pretty. Coco is very beautiful!

Natasha said...

That sunrise is GORGEOUS!!! We had a very grey January so any glimpse of the sun was incredible. And yes, we're in a second lock down too and it feels very hard.

Joanne said...

What a beautiful sunrise! I can totally relate to forgetting what day it is... they do tend to all blend into one another.

alexa said...

I've really enjoyed your sentence a day, and your little video - amazing how much flavour can be squeezed into a small space :). So pleased you can still see the grandchildren and I am longing for the day (probably three to four months yet) when I can see at least one of mine. Yes, don't the days blend into one! Time both slips by and drags along ... Your crochet will be a great testament to the power of creativity in this lockdown.

Wildflower Adventures said...

The sunrise was lovely. Fun times with the Grands. Same old same old going on here most days as well. Karen

Deb's World said...

Hi Deb, your friend from the other debs-world on the opposite side of the planet! It's always good to read what has been happening, or not as the case may be. I feel for you all over there still in awful lockdown mode, it must be hard but I believe it's worth it in the end. I did a few of Joe's 'senior' workouts with my mum and sister via zoom and really enjoyed them, so I recommend doing a search for them. Take care!