Monday 17 May 2021

Me on Monday

 It involved queuing in the rain and it took over an hour but ta dah ...

We went to the walk in centre at the weekend and got our second vaccinations, two weeks early 😊

The only side effect when I woke up the following day was a sore arm which improved as the day went on, and I may have had (I definitely did have) an hour's snooze on the sofa in the afternoon.  So that's all good and just in time for the easing of regulations today.  We can finally hug our family and allow them indoors - so long as there are no more than six of us.  Restaurants can now serve food indoors too and my husband's badminton crew have booked a table at the local pub for Tuesday evening just like they used to do.

Coco is feeling better, and even managed to get herself on social media when we popped into our local pet shop to buy her a new collar

Shame we didn't wait until today as she is booked in for a groom this morning and that little paw will no longer be a grubby grey but a brilliant white again!

Would you like a crochet update?

It hasn't grown a tremendous amount this week as the patterns have needed a bit more concentration but I am about half way through it now and I am still loving it. It's so nice to experiment with different stitches and it's giving me the confidence to try more intricate patterns.  I love the way this one has texture, the dots you can see are actually bobbles and it makes it a very tactile blanket.  The row that I am on at the moment is basket weave and I really have to keep an eye on what I'm doing.  I just had to undo a quarter of a row as I'd made a mistake.  This is known as 'frogging' as you just have to pull the yarn and 'rip it, rip it, rip it' 

The weather forecast this week is a bit gloomy but with the new rulings we aren't so weather dependent any more.  Zumba will be in the hall again on Thursday which I am really looking forward to, even though it will be with reduced numbers and all doors and windows open, and on Friday we are going round to friends - to sit indoors and drink wine!  We may even order an Indian takeaway to eat with them.  It's a little bit of normal back again.  How's your week looking?


Patio Postcards said...

Wonderful news about your 2nd jab - yeah. We are still being forced to wait 16-20 weeks between jabs! I'll say no more about that. Coco - a star is born as surely as those treats were claimed as hers!

Beautiful crochet work. The pattern looks so difficult, well done you sticking with it. All my crochet work is the frogging method (lol).

This West London Life said...

Great news about receiving the second dose - worth the hour's wait! :)
Your blanket is really coming along and looks beautiful. :)

alexa said...

Such a very lovely blanket! I can't believe you only started learning a short time ago ... the richness of colour and texture is a delight. Yeay for getting your vaccinations :). Your planned weeks almost like business as usual - crossing fingers for us all re the variants. Nice to see Coco starring elsewhere as well as here!

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Look at Coco stealing the show!! So cute and you don't really notice the grey paw :0) Glad you didn't have any side effects from the vaccine. Your blanket is coming along nicely. Well done you.