Thursday 27 May 2021

Summer time snapping

What's the first sign of summer?  Baby birds leaving their nests?  Trees in full leaf? Barbecue food in the supermarket? Not needing to put the lights on until late in the evening?  Not having to wear socks every day?  All are relevant but then so too is the annual Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt!  Mary Lou has once again come up with 20 intriguing prompts for us to find and share, you can check out the list here - or here ...

  1. A Breakfast of Champions
  2. Favourite Time of Day
  3. Something To Represent Home But Not The Building
  4. Head In The Clouds; shapes or interesting patterns
  5. The Art Of The Fold
  6. Something That Makes You Laugh or Happy
  7. What’s In Bloom
  8. Window Views
  9. Something Older Than You
  10. The Delivery Van/Truck Making The Deliveries
  11. The Shape of Round/Circular
  12. Something That Is Cause For Celebration
  13. Your Marie Kondo Moment – Or Not
  14. Inside Your Fridge Or Cupboard
  15. Your Best Doodle Art (not public graffiti)
  16. A Guilty Pleasure; Something That Recharges You
  17. An Exit
  18. Upside Down, Right Side Up
  19. Steps, But Who’s Counting
  20. Decades Of Sharing; find something in your home that is from the 70s or 80s or 90s or 00s

If you have trouble finding any of those, the following substitutions can be made

A: show off your  COVID safety; masks, cleaning, or other related supplies

B: a local landmark

C: the most beautiful landscape photo of the season

All photos must be taken between 1 June and 30 September. The first check in with Mary-Lou will be on Wednesday, 30 June. Thirty five days to take a few photos to share on the first link up, what will be your first find I wonder?


Patio Postcards said...

Thanks for sharing the list Deb. As always, I hope everyone has fun with the list.

I've got an event that has happened the last few days that I am hoping continues until at least June 1st for #17 - it could be perfect.

Susanne said...

I am looking forward to this.

This West London Life said...

Always a sign of Summer when Mary-Lou releases the list! :)

alexa said...

It is always such fun to see how differently the prompts are interpreted!

♥ Liz ♥ said...

I'm looking forward to getting started :0) said...

All great signs of summer!! So glad the scavenger hunt has begun.