Friday 4 November 2022

Let's sit and have a cup of tea - November

 Image source: Canva

Hello!  Thank you for joining me again for a cup of tea on the first Friday of the month.

It hardly seems any time at all since we last met for a chat.  How are you?  I hope you're keeping well.  I've had my covid booster since I last saw you.  The only side effects were a very achy arm (made me wonder if I had developed a frozen shoulder overnight until I remembered having the jab!) and a slight headache so I am thankful for that.

I originally started this blog as a way to share crafty things so I'm going back to my roots this month to show you something I made earlier this week.  You may have heard me talk of my friend Denise who introduced me to scrapbooking, card making and crochet.  Well, the latest thing she convinced me that I needed to try was making a ribbon wreath.  She sends me photos of the ones she has made and I couldn't resist any longer and gave in and ordered a kit for myself.  I am so pleased with it, but can't decide if I should use it as a table decoration with a candle in the centre of it or to add a bow at the base of it and use it on my front door.  What do you think?

Of course, while making that my almost finished Christmas blanket was put on hold but I promise it will be ready for our next get together!

Have you started your preparations for Christmas yet?  I have bought a few presents and cards and this year I am determined to wrap as I buy so that wrapping doesn't become a huge task nearer the time.  We are planning to pop over to Cambridge later today as there are some shops that are there which aren't anywhere else nearby so I want to have an early browse.  Plus, P will be celebrating his 65th birthday at the beginning of December so I need some inspiration for that too!  

Do you have any Christmas parties or meals out planned?  I have my Zumba party very early in December, then we have a meal out with 3 other couples as a combined Christmas/birthday get together.  P is 65, my friend M is 65 and friend J is 60 so we have to celebrate all that!  There will be at least three other meals out with friends but exact dates haven't been sorted yet.  I bought a new dress to wear for all events as there will be different people at each one so I can wear the same thing each time.  I ordered it as it was too good a bargain not to get (reduced down to £24!) and I loved it on the website.  When it arrived my first thought was 'that's going back' as the fabric wasn't quite as I had imagined.  Then I tried it on and thought 'no, that's not me', then I realised I hadn't ruched the front wrap over bit correctly so it was clinging in all the wrong places 😬.  So I had a play around with the gathers and thought 'maybe'.  This morning I tried it on with natural coloured tights and sandals (yesterday I was wearing black opaque tights and slippers which really did not enhance it at all!) gathered up the front properly and I actually thought 'oh that looks nice' so guess what - it's a keeper!  But quite different to my normal style!  

Am I unusual in preferring to shop in proper shops (apart from bargain posh frocks and ribbon wreaths) to online shopping?  I try to support independent stores where I can and after having a couple of years where going out and shopping in person was either difficult or impossible, I much prefer off line shopping.  I don't use Amazon at all other than Kindle books; haven't bought anything from them since December 2021 and that was only because there was a particular toy that no where else stocked and I had no alternative.  I find that with a bit of browsing, you can always find the same thing at the same price.  I know I am in a very small minority!

Look how time has flown!  Thank you so much for popping round - same time next month?


Patio Postcards said...

Oh how lovely to sit with tea to catch up. I do like your ribbon wreath & my first thought was on the front door but if the door is exposed to weather, oh I worry about the affects of that so maybe on the table after all ... oh I just don't know, maybe a 2nd one would be helpful.

Your new frock does sound lovely & I agree about in person shopping for clothes especially. We haven't got anything planned for the Christmas season at all! I better get busy looking for some options. Birthday celebrations on my calendar won't be party or dinner events, but I better get moving on making a special card ... so off I go, thanks for tea & chat :) Hope you enjoy your jaunt out to Cambridge, I think of Endeavour when I think of Cambridge ...

Susanne said...

Your wreath is gorgeous! Well done you!

With our Thanksgiving still ahead of us, I haven't even dared to think about Christmas. I have decided to do what little shopping I need to do in real stores this year. I am a bit tired of the online shopping. And I've vowed not to start until December. I am sure I will still get sidelined by some Black Friday deals after Thanksgiving (although everyone is starting them now, which I find a bit annoying.)

I could use a new dress for this Christmas season, but I probably need to start looking for that now, don't I? So my December only plan isn't so practical, after all. So glad yours worked out with just a bit of fiddling.

This West London Life said...

Drat, I missed this again ... must do better next month!!
Your wreath looks lovely ... Denise is teaching a class at this weekend's Crop and I am looking forward to that.

Children can be extremely wriggly in their sleep, like sleeping with an octopus!

Your dress has me intrigue, please post a photo of you wearing it. I'm thinking about a new Christmas jumper for me, and Christmas pjs for all of us.