Monday 14 November 2022

Me on Monday

Drum roll please ...  I am thrilled to start this post with the news that ... It's finished!  The Christmas blanket is ready for Christmas!  I put it down for five minutes while I put dinner in the oven on Friday evening and came back to this little guilty face.

And when I didn't have the heart to tell her to get off, I went to set the table and saw she had made herself very comfortable!

I learnt a lot from this pattern, and know that I will miss being curled up beneath it while I was working on it in the evenings.  What a good job I have a half finished blanket I put aside when I started this one, so I can crack on with that now!

We started last week with a trip to our friends in Bury St Edmunds.  I always thought that sounded like it would be a long way from us but we were there in just under an hour!  It was nice to get together with our friends (along with three other couples) and I was able to have a good old nosey look round their new home. The house is only three years old and still looking very pristine, so coming back home made me realise that some rooms in ours are looking a little tired and there a few projects that we need to start thinking about in the new year. Well, I'll be thinking about them now and will drip feed my thoughts to Paul over the next few weeks ;-)

So this Monday finds me thinking that I need to wrap Rosie's birthday presents up, and buy some wrapping paper for the few Christmas presents that I have bought, otherwise my intention to wrap as I buy this year is never going to happen and I'll be caught in a wrapping frenzy the week before Christmas! 

I think I may also get organised with Christmas cards, and print address labels out.  I just looked online to see if this year's stamp design is on sale yet and realised that this one still has the Queen's profile on it.  Every now and again you see something that jogs your memory that she isn't here any more.  

It's Rosie's birthday party on Sunday so I am sure I will be roped in to help with the catering at some point over the weekend!  Not that children at birthday parties eat much do they?  So long as there is cake, they will be happy!

Hope everyone has a good week, I'm starting mine with good intentions of having a good tidy up around the house - how long will that last do you think?  


Patio Postcards said...

Your Christmas blanket is really lovely. Would make a nice Christmas gift. I did chuckle at your comment that you will drip feed your ideas to Paul through the week ... I am sure this is how many of us get things to change about the house. Pre pandemic days we use to go to open houses of new homes built to get ideas for changes and/or ideas of decorating. Usually pizza fingers and/or chicken nuggets as a main at a children's party were most successful, they could grab & still run about, but yes cake is the feature food :)

Barbara Eads said...

Your blanket is gorgeous!! It will be interesting to see if you ever get to use it! Have fun at Rosie's birthday party!

Susanne said...

Well the blanket is made all the more beautiful by the model! I hope to have a tidy up around the house this week as well, but only because my craft room is out of commission!

This West London Life said...

That is a fantastic blanket and Coco models it beautifully!
All this talk of Christmas, I need to get organised!

Jennifer said...

Oh I know why Coco was so happy in that blanket! It is beautiful! You are so talented...and apparently quite organized! I need to get busy:) Enjoy celebrating that sweet birthday!!