Monday 28 November 2022

Me on Monday

 Is it me, or are Mondays coming around much faster nowadays?

How was your week?  We had a mixed bag over the last seven days, I seemed to fare better than the other two in the family home!  

The week contained

For Paul

  • One suspicious cold followed by a negative covid test
For Coco
  • One vet visit followed by a very unusual hair style
For me
  • One meet up for coffee with Jon and the children which ended up costing me two bedtime books as well
  • One afternoon tea with friends
  • One meal out with the lovely ladies I used to work with
  • One trip to Leo and Rosie's School Christmas Fair where I won a bottle of pink prosecco in the wine tombola and a necklace in the raffle
  • One drinks evening where we learnt a new card game (shared this get together with Paul who was feeling a lot better!)
I think you can tell who had the better week!

Let me tell you about the card game which I would really recommend. It's called Five Crowns and if you are looking for something new to play, give it a whirl!  If you know the basic rules to 'rummy' then you will have no problem playing it although there is quite a distinct twist to the game as there you play with two packs of cards, there is a fifth suit (stars), jokers are wild, there are no aces or twos and in the last round you end up with 13 cards in a hand!  

So here we are again at Monday.  I'm planning to pop to Chelmsford later today to have a browse around the shops.  I feel like I'm doing ok with my shopping, we have pared down the people with whom we exchange gifts and it's made life a lot simpler!

Hair cut for me on Tuesday - hopefully not one which matches Coco's and I'm also having our oven professionally cleaned in the afternoon.  I know it is a real luxury but try as I might, I can never keep my oven completely clean so about once every three years I have it done properly and fill myself with good intentions to keep on top of it!  I love cooking so the oven gets a lot of use and it never happens. 

For those wondering, Coco has a skin tag on top of her head which she made bleed and we were worried that it was looking a bit 'dodgy' so the vet had to shave the top of her head to clean it up and check it out.  She looks a little like a medieval monk at the moment but thankfully the vet feels that all is well.

No other firm plans for the weekdays but a busy weekend with a trip to Audley End to see the Enchanted Lights and then the big Zumba dance party on Sunday. More on that next week!  

Hope you have a healthy and happy week!  


This West London Life said...

Goodness, what a busy week for you! Glad to know that P had a negative test.

I also feel that I might be doing well with the Christmas gift buying ... we are hosting our drinks party this weekend so I am thinking about food and drink mostly this week ... I also know that the football will be taking centre stage at some point in the proceedings!

Patio Postcards said...

Phew glad Paul is feeling better & that it was not "C"! Poor Coco but the monk look could be played into a holiday twist - will she wear a Santa hat? You certainly had a fun week & like you we have reviewed gifts we exchange with adults & all agree it has to be in the food category this year. As a side note any time you mention Chelmsford it reminds me of a historical novel where a main character was the Duchess of Chelmsford - I must re-read that tale.

Jennifer said...

Oh goodness, poor Coco. And yes I hope your hair appointment goes much better:) Sounds like you had a productive - and very nice - week. A double winner while at the school!! Way to go! Enjoy your week ahead -

Barbara Eads said...

Yes, Mondays are coming around sooner these days. I'm having a hard time keeping up!! Enjoyed your weekly "catch-up." I'm behind on my blog reading too! No surprise at this time of year.

Susanne said...

Glad that both Paul and Coco are doing well. It did seem as though you were having all the fun, and a couple of bedtime books seems a fair fare to me for some of that fun!