Monday 23 January 2023


 Again? How can it possibly be Monday again? Did you celebrate the Chinese New Year?  We had friends over and had a Chinese takeaway meal - it was delicious.  We are now in the year of the Rabbit which apparently symbolises peaceful and patient energy.  I think we could all benefit from some of that - I know that, for me, patience isn't my greatest quality!

How’s the weather where you are? We are still in freezing temperatures 

Looks like someone has had fun throwing chunks of ice onto the lake

It will be nice when I don't have to defrost my car in the mornings

Although it is very pretty out there, I'm a bit fed up with it now and would welcome a rise in temperature.

My plans for this week include research into our summer holiday - top of the possible list is Sicily.  My pile of holiday brochures is growing every time I go into town! I am yearning for some sun.  
As we are coming to the end of the first month of 2023 it is time to be getting our blog posts ready for the first 'What's Been on Your Calendar' post.  Hosted by the 'other' Deb in the Australian Deb's World, check out the details here.  I'll be joining in with this in place of my usual 'A Sentence a Day' monthly roundup.  I hope you'll consider joining in too!


Ruth said...

A chilly -5 in West London this morning! TBO and I are layered up during the day in the home office in order to avoid having to put the heating on early!

Barbara Eads said...

I have never celebrated the Chinese new year, but it sure sounds like a fun way to have a little party including Chinese food! Maybe next year!

Patio Postcards said...

I also hope for a peaceful year with people gaining more patience. We don't do any particular celebrating of the Lunar Year. I have a friend in Vietnam at the moment, & he says they are celebrating the Year of The Cat - now that's one celebration I can get behind full on!

Hopefully temperatures will warm up soon & the ice will melt on the lake.

Jennifer said...

One of the best cures for freezing weather - plan your summer trip! Perfect. We have friends in Sicily and keep thinking we should visit...but that has not happened yet. (And I think they might be returning to the states soon. Oh no.) I have never celebrated the Chinese new year but I am all about some extra patience in the year ahead!!

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

Ooh I didn't know Jane Garvey and Fi were still doing a podcast, I thought they'd given up after Fortunately. Will check it out. I don't listen to their radio show on Times Radio.

Good that it was not gangrene for poor Coco! Mysteriously Molly was biting her leg for months but I managed to get some salve and it's now better.

Some neighbours gave us Fortune cookies but apart from that we didn't celebrate the Chinese New Year. We celebrated Burns Night in lockdown - M&S had put together a hamper which was delivered. said...

I have written my sentences for SaD this month. Will share on February 1, I hope. Have a tab open to check out the other Deb's calendar series. I start writing for all these challenges this something happens - LIFE - and I can't keep up.

The frost on your MINI emblem is very pretty but I think I am ready to move into spring, too. And we barely had any winter weather at all. A few cold mornings, a few flurries. I am glad we went to Santa Fe, New Mexico over new year's to play in the snow. But even Santa Fe enjoyed a warmer than usual, dryer than usual season. Today it is forecast to be 68F (20ishC)and it is beautiful out.

Glad your Chinese New Year celebration was delicious and enjoyable. We haven't had Chinese in a while.

Susanne said...

Around here we are at least getting less wet and more sun, but I am not really up for dealing with weeks more of winter either. Sicily does sound sunny, doesn't it.