Monday 20 March 2023

Me on a Monday

 Good Monday morning!  I hope it is quieter where you are than it is where I am!  We had builders arrive at 8am this morning to do some work to our garden wall and they are currently at the 'removing the old bricks' stage.  My neighbours must love us 😖  This work is something that has been on the 'to do' list for several years now, the top layer of bricks have been crackling and crumbling for a while now.  Forty years of rain, snow and ice have go into them (due to the original builder of the wall using the wrong type of porous brick for the top row!) So this Monday finds me trying to think of things I need to do away from the house to escape the noise.

It was Mother's Day yesterday and I had thought that I wouldn't be seeing either R or J due to them having families of their own now who need to spoil their mums for the day.  So I had planned a nice special meal for Paul to cook me - two new recipes I liked the sound of - pistachio and apricot crumbed roast lamb and dauphinoise potato, celeriac and leek bake.  

Plans started to go awry on Friday.  R's builders decided that they needed to remove her existing kitchen that day in order to knock through the extension wall so the chance of her family cooking her a lovely lunch were non existent.  No problem, come round and have lunch here, we'll double the quantities and have a combined Mother's Day.  Then my trusty sous chef came down with a severe case of gastroenteritis!  So he spent most of Saturday and Sunday upstairs in bed keeping his germs to himself and in the end I cooked my own lunch.  It wasn't quite the relaxing day I envisioned but looking on the positive side, the new recipes were scrumptious!

So this Monday finds me feeling a little like my birthday balloons

A little crumpled, a little deflated and a little past their best!


Patio Postcards said...

Hoping Paul is feeling much better today. In spite of having to cook your own meal I hope you & Rachel had a good lunch together celebrating yourselves ... did SiL at least clear up after the lunch? (col). The potato, celeriac and leek bake sounds delicious. Good luck with a quick finish to the repair of the garden wall.

♥ Liz ♥ said...

I hope you had lovely Mother's day despite all the setbacks. Your new recipes sound delicious.

Jennifer said...

Oh bother - sometimes the best laid plans just crumble. Sort of like 40 year old bricks - ha. Hope things have quieted down a bit...and hope that Paul is already feeling 100 percent better! Happy (belated) Mother's Day:)

This West London Life said...

Gosh, I hope Paul has recovered and that the noise from the builders has calmed down. The lamb dish sounds delicious, please share the recipe.

Susanne said...

& happy belated birthday too!

Susanne said...

Well, it appears my first comment disappeared.

It was that clearly your Mother's Day could have gone better, but the fact that you found the bright spot of yummy new recipes means you cannot be as easily deflated as a balloon. You go girl.