A chance comment whilst having her hair done in a local salon resulted in a job offer and retraining at college and she is now starting a new career in ... hairdressing! It was a huge decision to make, obviously a very big cut in salary and the initial feeling of "4 years at Uni ...and now I'm a hairdresser?" but you know what - she is a changed person. She is back to being happy and actually looks forward to going to work. She's enjoying learning new things and being creative and I think that it was the best thing she could have done.
So yesterday I was her 'model' for a lesson in colouring - picture above - I'm really pleased with it and I think this is a huge lesson. Money is not the be all and end all. Health and Happiness are what matters in this life.
Nice blog - I really like your color scheme and your picture in the header.
Rinda (from Shimelle's class)
Well said that girl - she has made a really lovely jobof it - really like it xx
I always say you can learn some of life's greatest lessons in the hair dressers! The 'do' looks great and I think your daughter has made a great decision - even though I'm sure it was difficult at the time.
Great blog entry. It's so true that money doesn't buy happiness, and it's wonderful that she learned that lesson early on.
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