Thursday 10 June 2010

23 years later

One of my reasons for using the job description post yesterday was because before I had my babies I naively thought that when they had grown up, I wouldn't worry about them so much any more, my job would be done.
Not so. This morning was spent at the hospital with my eldest. She has had tummy problems most of her life when I look back. She was a colicky baby, she had random tummy aches growing up, they discovered she has a very slow digestive system about 5 years ago and most recently she has suffered badly with heartburn. So today she was booked in to have a gastroscopy and although she is 23 and quite old enough to go on her own, she wanted her mum to go with her and quite frankly there was no way her mum was not going to be there to hold her hand before and after! It's not pleasant and she's now sleepy and sore.
I found it very tough to be in the waiting room while she was in the operating theatre as when my mum had that procedure done 12 years ago, the diagnosis was as bad as you can get and those memories kept swirling around in my head and tears were swimming around waiting to escape.
But all those hopes,wishes and prayers I made in the last few days seem to have worked as the surgeon said all looked fine in there and he just wants to do one more scan to be doubly sure but then he will be able to prescribe medication which hopefully will get rid of the discomfort.
It's been a long day. And even though she's 23 and a grown young woman, she's still my baby, I still worry about her and I always will.


Maria Ontiveros said...

I'll send some good thoughts and prayers your way! I know what you mean about the surprise that you always still worry about them, even as they get bigger. I always chuckle at new parents talking about whether their kids "sleep through the night" yet; because I know that's such a transitory idea!

Denise said...

We sure do still worry and I am sending you both lots of hugs and positive thoughts - and a specially BIG hug for my friend xx

Sian said...

Thinking of you both xx

I know only too well what those kind of procedures entail and it's not a lot of fun. Fingers crossed for the final scan.

scrappyjacky said...

Sending hugs to you both....and actually I think we probably worry more about our kids when they are grown,than when they were little!

humel said...

Oh, hun - sending lots of thoughts and prayers your way xx

Jennifer Grace said...

Sending you lots of positive vibes. Hope she feels better soon x

Rachel Brett said...

Thinking of you all Deb, sending lots of hugs your way x