Thursday 9 September 2010

Bath Lions

I'm so pleased Denise remembered to bring along my kit from the Eclectic Keepsakes crop that I missed when she came over on Monday, but ever since I've had it, I've been longing to do one of the pages and work is seriously curtailing my crafting activities.

I knew exactly which photos I would use from our weekend away. Everywhere we went in Bath, we saw these decorated lions. Each was individually designed and painted by sponsors and at the end of the month they will be auctioned for charity. Though, what anyone would do with a concrete lion the size of a pony is beyond me! There were 100 of them in all kinds of places and some were real works of art. Unfortunately they were a magnet for small children and I did have to wait a while sometimes to get an uninterrupted photo!

Things I learnt today:

It will always rain when the school arranges for a fire drill

School dinners always sound better on the menu board than they are in real life

Blog checking whilst in the exams office is often interrupted by students wanting to discuss their results. Can't they see I'm busy????


Denise said...

Beautiful page and how dare they interrupt your blog hopping :-)

Maria Ontiveros said...

Love this! Definitely one of my favorites of yours ever.

Rachel Brett said...

Great page Deb, hope you managed to get some more blog hopping done :)

Anonymous said...

Love that page Deb especially the lion with the huge smile on his face.

humel said...

lol! Those darn students.... I love the lions (and the page they're on) xx

scrappyjacky said...

Schools are so much better without kids, aren't they?
Love the page.

Amy said...

Your last item of learning made me laugh ... how inconsdierate of them!!!

I saw a similar design to this one over at Karen's blog - it looks fantastic Deb and the crop sounded like a great day!

Ok, now I've just seen Jacky's comment ... hehehehehe :-)

Sian said...

Haha..I'm laughing at Jacky's comment too. Really lovely page, I'm loving that grid effect.