Tuesday 21 September 2010

What not to do in the staff room

What did I learn today?
  • If you are seen knitting during lunch hour in the staff room, the Textiles teacher might ask you to go in and teach Year 9 girls.

Sorry Mrs House, it's really never going to happen! Me? Teach 13 year olds how to knit? I don't think so. Apparently, no one in D&T can knit right handed and so the girls have to learn from video clips! I'm getting on with my great niece's blanket but the weather has taken aCheck Spelling turn for the worse and when they get back from Portugal, I think it's going to be needed so I am knitting at every opportunity.

Me? Teach? Still makes me chuckle when I try and imagine it. However, she is very persuasive. Last time she wanted me to do something I used to find anonymous little gifts of chocolate in my pigeon hole and in tray on my desk and l eventually caved in. Must be strong. But she knows my weaknesses. And she also teaches cookery. If cupcakes start appearing on my desk - I'm in big trouble. Must be strong. Must not give in.


Anonymous said...

Give in and go for it Debs I am sure you will be brilliant at teaching the girls to knit.

Rachel Brett said...

Im sure you will have great fun and the girls will love seeing it 'in the flesh' rather than off of a screen :)

Cheri said...

You might be surprised at how appreciative those girls will be having someone there to look over their shoulder and guide them. Some things just don't work the same on a screen!

scrappyjacky said...

I wonder how long before you give in??????
I taught an after school knitting club...and really enjoyed it....and that was with primary age kids!!

Scrappi Sandi said...

I think you SHOULD share your skills with the younger generation & if you manage to aquire CHOCOLATE & CUPCAKES along the way, what more motivation do you need!!!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

I'm with Karen, Deb - go for it. :o) Pitty they'd have to learn from a video...it's just not the same. I learned to crochet a granny square from a video and LOTS of trial and error! Would have saved me a LOT of frustration if I'd had a live person showing me. :o) Oh, but do hold out for a little while if there's the possibility of chocolate bibery!

Ruth said...

Hold out for the bribes!

humel said...

Yes, I say go for it - but not too soon... Allow bribes to accumulate for a while first ;-)

Maria Ontiveros said...

Tee hee. Very funny. There's a girls knitting club in elementary and middle school here.

Sian said...

Very funny! I think you should do it. Bring back knitting to all schools, I say!

Thank you for your nice comment on my new look yesterday