Tuesday 7 September 2010

Can you keep a secret?

I suppose we should have been suspicious when our son and daughter offered to take us out for a drink for our anniversary. It's not often that we aren't the ones paying the bill if we go out! We had thoroughly enjoyed our weekend in Bath and taken a leisurely, scenic drive home. Arrived back about 3pm, slightly shattered and looking forward to a relaxing evening, curled up in front of the tv watching the first episode of Bouquet of Barbed Wire.
So we left the house at 6pm to go to the local pub, and had a lovely hour or so just chilling and chatting. I did notice that R & J were sending and receiving a fair amount of texts but hey, that's nothing new. However, there came a point where they seemed keen to drink up and get home. Both of them were suddenly hungry apparently. Still, I guessed they had plans for the evening and we had had our quota of quality family time!
Came home, and now I look back on it, I should have noticed that we didn't have to switch the burglar alarm off, yet I knew we had set it as normal when we left. Kicked our shoes off, went into the kitchen, thinking about whether or not they would offer to cook dinner for us, and then J opened the dining room door and ............SURPRISE!!!! Our closest friends and relatives were in there. I was so shocked. So bemused. Can't begin to remember what I said or did! Apparently the kids had decided on Thursday to ring round and organise something. R had managed to grab hold of my phone without me knowing and got mobile numbers for people. They had cooked all afternoon, hidden the food in the wine chiller in the utility room so the fridge was empty of evidence. J's girlfriend and 2 of R's friends had come into the house as we left to set the table and hide the guests as they arrived.
It was such a lovely evening, and really made our 30th Anniversary so memorable. What lovely family and friends we have. We are truly blessed.


humel said...

It was lovely to read about this on Denise's blog earlier, and it's lovely to read about it now from your perspective :-) That is such a sweet thing they did! Did you cry? I'm so pleased that you had such a good time and such a special celebration xx

scrappyjacky said...

What a lovely thing for them to do.....glad you had such a great anniversary weekend.

Maria Ontiveros said...

What an awesome surprise! It's really touching to read this post, in connection with Denise's post, to see the event from both sides. You two are very lucky to have each other!

Jennifer Grace said...

What a brilliant suprise. I'm glad you had a lovely evening. Congrats on 30 years together! xx

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Oh how nice, Deb! What a lovely way to celebrate your special day. Glad to hear they pulled off the event and kept it secret so you were truly surprised. :o)

Cheri said...

What a sweet and special thing for your kids to do. Having just celebrated our 25th in relative quiet (my kids are at the "everything is about me" age) I can only guess what that would feel like in five years!

This West London Life said...

How lovely! My sister and I did the same when our parents celebrated 30 years ~ I don't think we ever told so many fibs!

Rachel Brett said...

What a lovely surprise! Glad to hear you had a great time. Happy Anniversary again :)

Anonymous said...

Deb said on Saturday that this was planned and I am so glad you enjoyed it - oh those sneaky kids!

Amy said...

Fantastic! What a great surprise Deb, those two are great kids :-)

Sian said...

What a wonderful surprise! I'm so glad you had a special day x

Liberty :) said...

what a lovely thing to do!!! it was my mum and dads pearl wedding this weekend too!! :)

Cheryl said...

Aww so lovely lucky you glad you had a great time x