Saturday 11 September 2010

From secretary to student

I'm so excited! Not just because Strictly Come Dancing returns tonight and I can insist on someone else cooking dinner on a Saturday night from now until Christmas. Oh come on now. I can't miss a minute of it while popping into the kitchen to give something a stir can I? Sadly this also impacts on our social life and our friends know that we will be unavailable until after the show has finished on a Saturday night. Yes, I know I could record it, but somehow it's not the same!
No, the other reason is because, hopefully, I am going to be learning how to do book binding. I love learning new things and if they are craft related, so much the better. I think the whole paper loving thing must be handed down to me from my dad who was a printer and stationer. Whilst typing up the school newsletter last term I noticed an article from the art department showing books made by the girls in the Gifted and Talented class. They were fantastic and I emailed the art teacher to say how impressed I was and wondered if there was any way that I could learn. She said she was thinking of running an after school class leading up to Christmas and would let me know. When our school librarian left after 25 years of service, they made a book for us all to write in as a farewell gift and it was beautiful. Now I had seen one of the books close up, I was even more impressed.
So I was thrilled when the art teacher came to see me on Friday to tell me that she was probably going to be starting classes in October and I was top of her list. Yay! Back to school never felt so good!


humel said...

Oh yes! Lucky you :-) I look forward to seeing your projects!

I love learning - joining a German class was so rewarding. I love teaching too, of course! xx

Sian said...

Ooh, bet you are glad you asked about it now :) Sounds like such a great opportunity. I love the thought of you inheriting your love of paper from your dad too.

scrappyjacky said...

Sounds great...look forward to seeing any projects you make.

Anonymous said...

Wow what a fantastic skill to learn. I am very envious of you.l

Maria Ontiveros said...

Love bookbinding! Have a great time in the class.

This West London Life said...

Ooh, now that sounds like a really interesting class ~ will look forward to seeing what you make.

Cheri said...

turning a little green with envy - the book binding class sounds wonderful! Enjoy yourself!

Rachel Brett said...

Ooh how exciting, can't wait to see what you make Deb :)