Wednesday 9 March 2011

Black and White - Photostrip

With all the excitement of the weekend, I forgot to take a black and white photo (I knew I wouldn't keep up to date for long!)  so instead I am going to use some photos that were taken of me in one of those old fashioned photo booths that seem to be coming back into fashion now.
My mum used to love me to wear a hat in the winter time, I hope it was a fashion statement and not just because I had ginger hair .....


Anonymous said...

I am sure your mother wouldn't be that mean - you would have had to wear a hat in summer too! Love the photo strip and the glimps of little Deb!

scrappyjacky said...

Really cute photos,Deb....those photo booths are definately back in fashion now.

Cheri said...

You really had the poses down! Did that come naturally or were you coached? The photos are so cute!

This West London Life said...

Very cute!

Scrappi Sandi said...

He He He!! I always wanted red hair!! I LOVE this photo strip...I only have a collection of me in my early was always first stop in Woolworths on a Saturday!! These are just gorgeous & demand to be scrapped!! TFS x

alexa said...

How lovely to see your younger self! You're a natural for posing in a photo booth!

Amy said...

Oh you are just too gorgeous! The hat is super cute too :-)

humel said...

Oh, how lovely :-) You, of course, and the photo strip itself! So, this was when, 30 years ago? xx

Unknown said...

beautiful photos, I would love to have ones like that. Unfortunately I was born in age of plastic Canon cameras, but hey, they will be vintage one day :)

Sian said...

Fashion statement. Definitely a fashion statement. Gingers Rule!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Hey Deb ~ I'm late to the party over here...but I wanted to add that I just love your photo strip that you have posted here. Great alternative to your weekly B&W! :o) And you were(are) oh so cute!!! xo