Friday 18 March 2011

Doing something funny ....

... for money
Today is Red Nose Day in England (aka Comic Relief)  Working in a school, this means that we have a non-uniform day and everyone donates £1 to the charity to either wear their own clothes to school or wear fancy dress.  One of my crazy colleagues decided it would be fun for all the secretaries to dress in black and wear red tutus and deeley boppers.  We kind of looked like mad ladybirds from a distance!  So may I introduce you to the silly secretaries of a certain secondary school in Hertfordshire (and a random drama teacher, see if you can spot her ....)


This West London Life said...

You all look fab!

scrappyjacky said...


Cheri said...

So was it fun? Or did you just feel silly all day?

humel said...

You look fabulous, Deb! :-)

Maria Ontiveros said...

What a brave and fabulous group of ladies.

Cate Brickell said...

what a great idea! you look great!

Anonymous said...

You're rocking that look Deb :)

Sian said...

You crack me up. You really do :)

Unknown said...

Those outfits are so cute - it looks like so much fun and I love the idea of helping out a charity too!

It was great to "meet" you on the call today - hope to see you again soon! :)