Monday 28 March 2011

The times they are a'changin

It's all a bit odd over here in Deb's World.  I feel like a whirlwind is blowing through our lives, sucking us up and throwing us back out again, shaken and a bit bemused.  Shimelle's prompt today was about documenting journeys or projects and we are definitely about to start on different paths in our household.
I'll get the bad stuff out the way first and say that after about 5 years of uncertainty and false alarms, my husband will no longer have a job after Friday.  April Fools Day - is that an omen do you think?!  He's survived 2 bouts of redundancies and last time they made a new position in order to keep him on but that comes to an end on Friday.  He's been with the same company for about 25 years so it will be very strange.  Whilst obviously he needs to seek employment elsewhere, we have decided that he needs to take some time out to regroup his thoughts and decide what to do next.  Too young for retirement, but he's had 30+ years of commuting into London and ideally he needs to find something closer to home.  He's a Chartered Building Surveyor but he's seriously thinking of changing direction totally if he can.  So another chapter begins.
The other big change is that our daughter is moving out to share a flat with her boyfriend.  She's lived away from home before - three years at university - but that seemed different as we knew she would be coming back.  Whilst we are obviously thrilled that she has found someone to share her life with, it seems very strange to think of her setting up home.  It's still local, which is nice and at 24 it really is time for this particular chick to leave the nest.  And then just as we get used to it being just the two of us rattling around the place, it will be time for our son to return from Uni ....
 You know the old saying 'The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change'?  Certainly seems to be true around here!


WendyB said...

Ahh, that's a lot going on all at once isn't it. Although it's hard to see how things will go at the moment I'm sure that all will be well in the end. Its a great idea for your hubby to take some time out and with it being spring moving into summer that'll help too. I left work after 28 years, but by my own choice, and its the best thing I ever did. There's a whole world of possibilities out there x

Rachel Brett said...

Oh no Deb, Sorry about your husband's job. It will be nice for him to take some time and relax for a bit though :)

scrappyjacky said...

I'm sorry to hear about your husband,Deb....but completely agree that he needs time to really think about what he wants to do.
As for your will be strange.....but just will now have a craft room!!!!!

Cheri said...

You are just a tiny bit ahead of me in the life cycle Deb, and it is interesting (and instructive) for me to see and hear about what you are experiencing. Glad hubby is taking the time to decide what he really wants to do!

Here DH's job is on the line and we are kind of in a holding pattern to see what will happen. Only if he is let go, there will be no severance, no niceties, and he'll have no choice but to seek new employment immediately.

Keep us posted on how it all works out!

Sian said...

I'm very sorry to hear about your husband's job, Deb. Gosh, the housing market has an effect on so many things..

Best of luck to your daughter in her new home, it's good to hear that she isn't too far away :)

Lynn said...

Sorry to hear about your husbands job - its a scary time. Mine lost his nearly a year ago. However he saw it as an opportunity to re-think his life and its had a postive effect on all the family. Change is scary but it can be good.

Denise said...

Sometimes these things have a way of working out very well. It's good that he is taking time to grab a breath and assess everything,and I'm so thrilled to hear that number one child is settling herself with a handsome hunk,and she's not going to be too far away xxxx

Beverly said...

Deb,those are definitely some major life changes. I think it's wonderful that dh is planning on taking a breather after so many years of work. A new direction may be perfect for him. Happy for your dd but I know that feeling of not wanting them to go.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Wow - big changes indeed! Best of luck to your husband; hopefully it will be an opportunity, rather than all bad news. Interesting about your daughter - does that mean a wedding is in the works? It's always seemed to me that Europeans were less likely to marry, while here most contemplate marriage along with moving out and moving in . . .

Amy said...

Oh Deb, what a lot going on for you all at the moment. It sounds as though you are both dealing with the new employment situation very wisely, I hope things go very well and I am glad your husband has the opportunity to gather his thoughts about where next to spread his wings.

I love Jacky's practical way of thinking ... hmmmm, a craft room, just make sure she has fully moved out before you shift the bed! ;-)

Cate Brickell said...

sorry your husband has lost his job, but what a great chance to change direction completely - what does he have in mind?

alexa said...

So sorry to hear your news about your husband's job - but how great that he may be able to shift into something completely different ... As my own grown-up children are far away, I am envying you your daughter's closeness!

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb

Sorry to hear about your husband but I firmly believe that when one door closes another one opens. It will be lovely for him to take some time out and regroup. xxx

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Oh, Deb, I'm so sorry to hear this. As I read through your post I was immediately struck by the sense of how a drastic change can be the beginning of something amazing and good! I know that there will be an adjustment time, but I also know that change can be very good even though it disguises itself as a know. Keep your chin up and all will be good...eventually. And until then, you have us to lean on! xo

humel said...

Oh, Deb - I'm sorry I'm coming to this post late. So sorry to hear about your husband's job, I do hope it leads to something better (more stimulating, closer to home, more interesting, better paid - just better somehow!) And gosh, yes, I can see that you must have very mixed feelings about your daughter moving out. I hope all goes smoothly and you see plenty of her still xx