Monday 17 October 2011

Reminder one

This is just a teensy weensy reminder that I will be drawing the name for the Pass the Book (as mentioned yesterday) on Saturday.  But let's get this straight - you don't have to enter, I really don't mind holding onto it.  Honest.
I'm trying to think of a way that I can involve my daughter's puppy in the drawing process but to be honest, she's a bit of a Madame Mad Paws and I can't see her standing still long enough to walk towards a numbered piece of paper and if I put slips of paper with names on it into a bowl, she would have eaten them all before you could say 'Good Mail Day'.

So if you want to add your name to the list of people who wish to steal this book away from me ... leave a comment here!


alexa said...

Now I'm torn here. As a recipient already, I don't feel I have any right to join in again! But if you are stuck for numbers (and I'd don't imagine you will be) then please add me in. Does that make sense? It did a minute ago in my head ... :(

Unknown said...

I'll join in the fun :) good mail is always great fun.

Scrappi Sandi said...

How did I miss this one first time around?!! Count me in!! After all it would be such a shame if you had to put up with such a book any longer!! LOL!!

Jennifer Grace said...

ooh yes, put me in the draw please, I'd love to have a look at this book! Especially as you seemed to have enjoyed it so much! x

humel said...

If Madame Mad Paws eats all the slips, that STILL doesn't mean you get to keep the book, by the way....

boysmum2 said...

If I fill in my name on this comments field as well as the other one does that mean I get to enter twice?? Was a good try anyway!