Tuesday 4 December 2012

JYC Day 4 - Pointing at the Pointsettia

There are some things that you immediately associate with Christmas and it was one of those things that gave me the inspiration for Shimelle's photo prompt for today.  A photo that makes red the centre of attention.  
I decided to use the husband's new digital SLR for this one and was trying hard to think of something red that would make a good focal point.  The red on the advent calendar, maybe.  The red foil of the Lindt chocolate Father Christmas which is a compulsory part of the Christmas stocking contents in our house?  Perhaps.  
Then I suddenly remembered two things: 1 - that the new camera has a clever little special effect mode where you can isolate one particular colour in a photo and turn the rest of it black and white and 2 -  I had bought a pointsettia at the weekend to brighten up the hall table.  Mission accomplished:


Cheri said...

awesome shot Deb! The selective coloring really adds a wow factor.

Anonymous said...

Lovely shot Deb x

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

OOooooh, I love this, Debs! A friend of mine has a camera that singles out one color and I think that is so cool - it makes for a really interesting shot.

PS: I have a poinsettia on my work desk too. :o)

Sandie said...

Love it. A friend had a camera that could pick out a certain colour. So wished I could do that. I have done it in photoshop but it takes ages!!

Beverly said...

That is very cool, I didn't know there were cameras with that option!

Denise said...

Love it - and love your pic of the snow today on FB xx

Alison said...

Who knew there were cameras that did that?.....not me for sure!
Alison xx