Monday 22 June 2015

Me on the Monday after Father's Day

Someone in our house got 'spoilt rotten' this weekend. Someone managed to start his Father's Day celebrations on Friday evening and continue them on until Sunday night. Our son came home especially to cook a meal for us him on Friday then on Saturday our daughter planned an Italian evening at her house. We had Italian food, Italian drink, Italian music and even Coco dressed up
It was a really lovely weekend.  I think he felt well and truly loved and appreciated which, let's be honest, is what Father's Day should be all about.
Monday has found me checking out my Scavenger Hunt list and gathering together the early captures 
A bouquet, a tent, a turtle (or four) and a college for starters.  Followed by architectural columns, traffic signals, public toilets and a natural body of water.
I think the inside of a public toilet is one of the oddest ones we've had on a list! It is rare to find an empty 'ladies loo' in England, there's usually someone else around and hard to explain why you're taking a photo! So I quickly popped into Marks and Spencer last week when it all seemed quiet. Not very elegant I'm afraid but it may have to do.  As it's in a shop I wonder if it's monitored by cctv - can you imagine the person monitoring the screens wondering why on earth some strange woman was taking a photo? My husband saw the photo as I was loading it on here and said 'Deb, I think you've misunderstood the instructions, it's probably the outside of the ladies you were supposed to be taking.'  Probably ought to check that out!  I'm hoping to get better traffic signals too but I love the old building in the background of that shot, it's one of the older buildings in town and has a lot of character.
Monday is also finding me doing my next mandala for the Summer of Colour (more of that tomorrow!) I can't believe how much I am loving this little project, it's so relaxing and although I don't consider myself to be artistic at all, I'm quite happy with how they are turning out.
Let's pop over to see Sian who invited us all to share our Mondays.  Poor Little E has been in the wars, we need to give him a big 'get well soon' wave too.


Cheri said...

Congrats on all your finds. I've printed off the list but have yet to take a photo! Can't seem to wrap my mind around quite yet.

Sian said...

You are doing very well with the finds. I'm saving mine for the holidays..hoping the facilities in Norway are photograph-able!

It sounds like a lovely weekend. I love the idea of the Italian themed meal. Have a great week Deb

This West London Life said...

The public loo thing is causing me some inconvenience, I can tell you! (Sorry about that.)

Susanne said...

While I guess if you are snapping pictures in the restrooms, you can make good progress on that list of Rinda's. I'm still carrying my copy around, but have yet to start on it. It sounds like the father was duly celebrated and appreciated. Have a grand week.

Lou said...

i'm saving mine for our holidays too - you've made a good start. What a lovely treats your husband had

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

I think you were on the right track with the "ladies loo" - the list does say public restroom or toilet! All of your meals and Father's Day festivities sound really nice, Deb. Can't wait to see your next mandala! xo

Alison said...

Great start on the SH pics...I really have to get my head around it yet! Xx

Karen said...

Great start; I love the photo of the architectural columns. Just lovely!

Beverly said...

That is a very large tent! My favs are of the columns and the flowers. You are right on track with the restroom photo lol

Becky said...

I have to say I wondered the same as your husband - inside or outside of the public loo? It probably doesn't matter! Love your finds so far :)

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Well done! Have a grand day!

Hazel A.. said...

I've had some misgivings about the public restroom photo too but after seeing some of the ones already found by fellow hunters, I'm thinking just about anything goes! The architectural columns you photographed are lovely!

Maria Ontiveros said...

The public restroom has turned out to be one of my favorites!!!
Great job so far.

BJ said...

Great start to the hunt, BJ