Monday 8 June 2015

Me on Monday

When you look at this photo of what I'm up to this morning 
You would be forgiven for thinking you've turned up at the wrong Deb's blog and were visiting Paper Turtle instead.  Because I'm drawing a mandala.  Deb has been raving about these for a while now and I was wondering what the attraction was, so naturally had to give it a go.  I see it now - it's really absorbing, and a brilliant way of clearing your mind as you concentrate on the design which just appears as you add another row to the pattern.  Of course it has reinforced my belief that I am unable to draw a straight line even with a ruler but I'm convincing myself that the imperfections are what make it a unique piece of 'art'. 
What a glorious weekend we had in our corner of the country. Wall to wall sun shine.  Of course some of us didn't get to enjoy it as much as others as we were busy returning things to our new kitchen
I have become very choosy about what's going back and full of good intentions not to have a drawer full of old tat useful things, keeping clutter off the work surfaces and having no out of date items in the cupboards. I can't put everything back just yet as we still have to have the water softener fitted, new flooring laid and someone has to paint the ceiling, walls, skirting boards, doors ... Can you guess who?  Well, to be honest, it's been a completely shared experience, him with a paintbrush doing the fiddly bits and me with a roller filling in the blank space in between.  We still haven't chosen a colour but I think we're narrowing it down to one of three. 
At the moment I've got three workmen in the kitchen, one under the sink, one struggling to get a 6ft vertical radiator on the wall and one fitting recycling bins under the sink.  Me and the dog are upstairs relaxing.  Her asleep on the floor and me drawing a mandala.  It's a close run contest as to who is the most relaxed.  Oh, hang on a minute - one of us is snoring.  The dog wins!
So that's me on Monday, the brainchild of Sian, pop over and give her a wave and tell her what you are doing today as well!  


helena said...

the delights of a new kitchen and a fresh start on the clutter!

scrappyjacky said...

Wishing you the best with the clutter....3 years after our kitchen was fitted I'm afraid I seem to have succumbed to clutter again!!

Sian said...

Honestly, I couldn't draw a mandala to save my life..I'm so impressed. I'd quite like Deb to do some colour in printables!

Another one wishing you all the best with the clutter..

Cheri said...

Can't believe how quickly your kitchen is coming together! Good job with the madala - I've been coloring lately too!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

They (and you) have really cracked on with that kitchen. I'm sure it has seemed much longer to you when you are relying on a microwave/takeaway. Must try the mandala drawing. Probably just what I needed after those pesky princess seams!

Lou said...

I enjoyed getting rid of the clutter.....and buying more for my new kitchen. Enjoy yours and good luck with the painting - ours still isn't finished!!

This West London Life said...

What a lovely picture you've drawn (the mandala and what's happening in your kitchen)! The kitchen is looking very swanky ... having just had a new bathroom and a downstairs loo, we've braved painting our kitchen cupboards and adding new handles in lieu of a refit ... it's working for me so far!
PS: the dog we looked after today is a 2-year-old Labradoodle.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

The progress on your kitchen is great news, Deb, but you can guess what really got my attention in this post! Ah! I am SOOO happy that you have found joy in drawing mandalas and that you really "get it" in terms of the meditative piece of it. Your design is so pretty but it's not about the finished product, as you have no doubt realized. The process of drawing the mandala is what it's all about. So happy to have inspired you to draw mandalas!!! xoxox!

alexa said...

I felt really relaxed just reading this, and I am not even drawing :). Hoping the kitchen blokes are steaming ahead and getting everything sorted for you - exciting!

Denise said...

The kitchen is looking fab Deb and I love the mandala :-)

Abi said...

The mandala is lovely. I have the same problem with straight lines. mine always end up wonky! Can't wait to see the finished kitchen.