Monday 1 June 2015

Me on the Monday after half term

I think an alternative title for this post could be 'Be careful what you wish for on a Monday'.
I obviously mentioned {maybe once or twice} to the family that it was so boring being stuck at home while the kitchen was being done.  I didn't realise quite how much time I spent in there or how much I loved cooking until the doors were sealed and I was without any facilities.  Also, the kitchen doubles up as a dog's bedroom.  It's the one place we can keep her secure when we go out as it's the only downstairs room that isn't wired up to our alarm system plus if we shut her in a bedroom I'd be worried we'd come home to find the duvet in shreds. Or worse!  So there's no way we can go out and leave her home alone which means when my husband's been out working - I've been home and bored.
My daughter obviously took pity on me, as I've run out of sewing projects and suggested that I might like to alter a few things for her friend.  No problem.  Great, it will give me something to do.  
Ah, it's more than just one thing
Still no problem, I've got another five days to fill. 

Which is why this Monday finds me doing this

Altering three bridesmaids dresses.  No pressure there then.  Only the biggest day in her friend's life.  Wanting to be picture perfect. 
Oh and also can you shorten a dress for me to take on the hen weekend as well?  Of course. 
We leave in the early hours of Thursday and I'm sharing a suitcase with a friend so I need to take all my stuff to her house on Wednesday for her to pack so is there any chance I could have it on Tuesday? 
And when her friend came round for a fitting at the weekend she brought a swimsuit with her that was a bit too long in the body. 
Is there anything you could do to shorten the bit under the bra cups? 
Hey, I'm 5' 1", my life is full of shortening bits and pieces.
Let's just say that I won't be complaining that I'm bored this week!

So what did my weekend contain?  Gardening, and enjoying the sunshine.  Buying a new kettle to go in my new kitchen when it's finished.  Saturday night Indian Take-Away. Going round to my daughter's and cooking a proper meal in a proper oven in a proper kitchen - oh how I've missed that!  Her boyfriend was in York this weekend with his parents and sister for a family wedding where partners weren't invited.  His parents live in Hampshire and the original plan was for him to go back with them and then come home on the train.  However, at very short notice they decided to do a rather drastic detour to drop him off at his home and see their house for the first time.  Our daughter thought this was also an excellent opportunity for the two sets of parents to meet!  So after clearing away our Sunday lunch at her house, we came home for a few hours and then went back later for tea and scones.  They seem a really nice, friendly couple and I came home feeling happy that R has found someone with such a lovely family to join in with.
Me on Monday - happy behind my sewing machine.  Giving up a wave to Sian who had an exciting blog friend meeting last week and maybe fell in love with a younger man.


This West London Life said...

Bridesmaid dresses? Yikes! Are you on a 2 week half-term?

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

You're a braver woman than me. I hate alterations! Hope you have a nice "boring" week!

scrappyjacky said...

I hate alterations as well...good luck!

Sian said...

Shortening a swimsuit? That sounds not as easy as it sounds, if you see what I mean! I hope there is a big box of chocs, or similar, coming your way..

Enjoy your week..another one down, another one closer to the kitchen being finished

Lou said...

oh dear :) you are good - hope the bridesmaid dress alterations went to plan

Cheri said...

If I was bored enough to be doing dress alterations, I think I'd much rather read a good novel! Hope it all went well!

alexa said...

You are clearly known not just for your talent on the machine, but for your kindness as well :). Hoping that when that kitchen door is finally opened, you really, really enjoy your new space - and let us have a peek!