Monday 3 December 2018

Me on Monday

Let's start with Me on Saturday shall we?

If you ever hear me thinking about having a perm, please remind me of this photo!  

We went to a murder mystery dinner on Saturday and to add to the fun, we decided to dress up a bit.  The story was set in a theatre and so we embraced our inner 'luvvies' and dressed a little more flamboyantly than we normally would!  It was such a fun evening, none of us guessed who the murderer was although my character was under suspicion for much of the dinner.  

Anyway, the wig is off, my hair is washed and styled normally and Monday sees me in jeans and trainers scrabbling around on the floor of the local pre-school group with my little partner in crime, Leo.  His mummy is far from being fit enough to join in the fun (12 days after having a caesarean!) so I am doing the honours.  It's going to be a busy week trying to help out now my son in law has to go back to work.  R can't drive for six weeks, even if she felt able to, so there will be much going back and forth helping out with getting Leo to and from the childminder and taking him to pre school and his 'wiggle wiggle' song class.  I have a feeling I'm going to be very tired by the end of the week!  Fortunately we have had an invitation to a new Thai restaurant which is opening in town this weekend.  So we will be off to 'The Giggling Squid' on Friday evening and I think I'll have earned a nice glass of something chilled and food that someone else has cooked!

I am trying hard to be organised for Christmas in between all the helping out.  Cards are now written, I have a lot of presents bought, turkey is ordered and I have about half a dozen list of things to do and when to do them.  And in the midst of all that, Paul has a birthday next week!  

Me on Monday afternoon will not be so smiley - I have a dentist appointment and yes, I know it is just for a check up but that won't stop me fretting about it.  Send positive thoughts my way - please!  


Catherine said...

How well I remember bubble perms and Afro combs in the late 70s! No photos thank goodness. I think you will need a drink and it will be well deserved after helping with childcare. Well done!

Patio Postcards said...

I liked your hair, it was so festive. I had just a dental cleaning last week, so I know the fretting that goes with that! Your daughter is quite lucky to have you close enough to help out with Leo. I would say that maybe a 2nd glass of something chilled is in order ...

This West London Life said...

Hope the dental appointment went well ... I have a check-up and a hygienist visit tomorrow.
The Giggling Squid is a great name for a restaurant, just hope you're not too tired to enjoy it!
Well done on writing all your cards; I've got as far as buying Christmas stamps ...

Barbara Eads said...

I've had my share of perms. But, I have to admit, with such fine hair, I really liked the added texture and fullness a perm gave me. If they were back in style, I'd probably have another. As for now, I'll just have to accept my straight, flat hair!