Monday 24 December 2018

Me on Monday

The Christmas Eve edition

I bet I'm not the only person who's been searching the internet for cooking times for turkey this morning!

And yes, that is an excel spreadsheet showing exact times for everything that needs to be cooked - it seems a bit excessive but without a timetable things have been known to get horribly delayed or even worse, totally forgotten about.  You open the fridge a day or two after Christmas and find some speciality side dish you picked up in the supermarket and forgot to cook!  

So we picked this little beauty up just after 8am this morning.  We are lucky enough to have  an excellent butchers in town, he's a bit more expensive than supermarket meat but I've learnt that it is well worth every extra penny.  The turkeys are from a local farm and the quality is amazing.

We went to friends last night for their annual pre Christmas get together.  They had suggested getting there for 5pm for drinks and nibbles and we thought we'd probably be home by about 8.  We all had such a good time, I was quite surprised when I looked at my watch and saw it was 11pm!  

Today's plan is to relax and prepare for tomorrow.  I hope that everyone has a healthy and peaceful Christmas, let's try not to stress too much over cooking a perfect dinner, but enjoy time spent with those we love.  Happy Christmas!


Patio Postcards said...

Happy Christmas Deb. I don't have a spreadsheet but I do have a menu list & there's only the 2 of us! I foolishly agreed to feed a neighbour's cats on Christmas Day so that takes me in & out twice on THE DAY - so planning & knowing cooking times is critical. I like the fancy box your turkey arrived in.

This West London Life said...

Haha, my spreadsheet consists of a pen and a post-it-note, I kid you not! My turkey came with cooking instructions, thankfully!
A very happy Christmas to you and yours!

Jodie's Touch of Style said...

Now you know it was a wonderful time when you stay up that late!!
Happy New Year to you and your family!!