Wednesday 5 December 2018

November - a sentence a day

When you come downstairs in the morning and see that the roof of the conservatory looks like this
you can tell there has been a heavy frost overnight!  

Welcome to November

Day 1 What a wet and miserable start to a new month, definitely a day for staying wrapped up warm indoors

Day 2 Actually started to make plans for meeting up with friends before Christmas - our friends who moved to Belgium 7 years ago will be back so our 'old' routine of a group get together can be reinstated this year!

Day 3 'Children', partners and grandchild all dropped in early afternoon, friends over for a meal in the evening - busy, busy day.

Day 4 No rest for the wicked - family Sunday lunch!

Day 5 Guy Fawkes night - although most people had their firework displays over the weekend - we had a very unhappy dog who did not like all the bangs and crashes.

Day 6 Leo had an appointment at the allergy clinic and the consultant thinks that the skin prick tests shows that maybe his allergy to eggs is reducing - Fingers crossed.

Day 7 I know it isn't exciting but it's a job I've been putting off for ages so probably needs recording - I defrosted my chest freezer - now feeling very virtuous!

Day 8 Met up with the girls I used to work with - I miss the girls but not the office politics!

Day 9 Another day, another meet up with old workmates, this time for morning coffee with people who left about 4 years ago.

Day 10 Curry night - our friends have just returned from a 'round the world' trip; their photographs were fabulous - it was clearly a trip of a lifetime.

Day 11 Remembrance Sunday, fortunately the torrential rain stopped and the sun came out in time for all the memorial services all over the country - went to see Bohemian Rhapsody in our local cinema in the evening.

Day 12 Paul has been going through his wardrobe and sorted out a lot of things he no longer wears so we popped into town in the morning to drop four bags of clothing at a charity shop then treated ourselves to lunch out at a local tea shop.

Day 13 Felt in a baking mood this morning so got the cake tins out and made a chocolate sponge cake with jam and vanilla butter cream in the middle.

Day 14 Went with R to take Leo for his blood test, he didn't even flinch when they inserted the needle, what a brave boy 💙

Day 15 A day to catch up on my chores and do a bit of internet Christmas shopping.

Day 16 Treated myself to a manicure - the last one had stayed looking lovely for 5 weeks, the girl at our local salon does the best gel manicures.

Day 17 Have ticked a few more to do things off my leading up to Christmas list - cards are now bought, I got them from a 'pop up' charity shop where 100% of the proceeds will go to the charities rather than buy from a high street shop where only a small amount goes to the actual charity.

Day 18 Preparing myself for the next few days - stocking food cupboards with things a 2 year old will enjoy!

Day 19 Day went by in a blur, can't remember what went on!

Day 20 My little house guest arrived for his stay at nanny's while his mum goes into hospital to have his baby sister.

Day 21 Baby Rosie arrived safely!

Day 22 Took Leo to meet his little sister, fortunately he seemed very impressed.

Day 23 Rosie and her mum came home from hospital - we returned Leo to his family. (In the interests of full disclosure, a bottle of wine was opened within minutes of returning home to a quiet house!)

Day 24 Caught up on all the things I should have done while we had Leo staying here.

Day 25 Our first Sunday on our own for months - seemed slightly weird just setting the table for two!

Day 26 Ordered my Christmas turkey from the butcher, had my normal dilemma about the size I need and came home wondering if 7 - 8kg will be enough; it happens every year and we've never yet run out of turkey by the end of Boxing Day.

Day 27 Popped into town to do a little bit of Christmas shopping; I'm trying to buy more from local independent shops this year if possible.

Day 28 Hairdressers for a cut and colour, came out feeling years younger - they say having grandchildren keep you young - they lied 😉

Day 29 Went to a different Zumba class to my normal Tuesday one - why is it that getting myself out of the house to go to an exercise class is such an effort?  I know when I get there  I will thoroughly enjoy it so it shouldn't feel like a chore.

Day 30 Actually wrote my Christmas cards - now I just need to wrap my gifts that are going overseas and go to the Post Office to buy the stamps; am trying so hard to be organised this year!

Farewell November ... time to start the Christmas countdown


Catherine said...

I think you deserved the bottle of wine. Congratulations. I am in the hairdressers as I am reading your blog. I asked the hairdresser how much grey I had now as I have been colouring my hair for years. She said it was mostly grey now so I got really freaked out by that. I started getting my pension in October but don’t feel like a pensioner. I’ve told my hairdresser to ignore me if I ever said I would stop colouring! One of these days I will really experiment with the colour but in the meantime I’m going back to an approximation of what I used to be.

Barbara Eads said...

Each of those sentences make me curious to hear more!! They could all be story starters! This is a great project.

Patio Postcards said...

A very busy but joyous month. Day 27 - buying gifts local is something of a campaign in our region. Our little village has many artists & family run businesses. We have butchers, bakers & yes candle stick makers all within a 15-20 minute drive. My favourite place to browse is at the pottery lady's workshop - she makes amazing things.

With the hair trim, nails done & the bird of honour all looked after, sounds like you are ready for December's festivities & that glass of chilled bubbly.

Jodie's Touch of Style said...

Congrats on so many things!!
The out the freezer.
And the office politics...ugh!! Heck, I was the boss and they still killed me. You know, this person wasn't getting along with that person....enough!! The joys of being retired!!


Deb's World said...

Congratulations Deb on the birth of Rosie. I love reading about the world others live in, especially when they're also called deb's World!! Your month sounded great fun with lots going on. Enjoy the busy month ahead and best wishes for the Christmas holidays.

This West London Life said...

Yay for day 21 and laughed out loud at day 28!

Natalie said...

Congratulations, Deb, on the birth of Rosie, and all your accomplishments in November. Looks like you've got a good start for the holidays, too. Enjoy December!

Foxy's Domestic Side said...

What a full month! So many good times had with friends. And LOL to the wine opening after dropping off the 2 year old. Congrats on another grandbaby! Thanks for linking up with us!

Joanne said...

Congrats on the birth of Rosie! That's exciting.

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

Lived reading about your month. Chocolate cake looked lovely. I always have the same dilemma when ordering the Christmas meat! said...

Our grands turn our lives upside down in the most delightful ways, don't they? I am looking forward to being gloriously exhausted after being with my Lucia on Christmas. So jealous that you have Christmas shopping and wrapping all wound up!