Monday 9 December 2019

One photo - Twenty words

How long do you think it will take Rosie to remove every ornament on the lower branches of my tree?

7 comments: said...

Ha!! I give her 10 minutes. Beautiful tree, my friend.

alexa said...

It would be a shame if she did, because it looks stunning! With any luck the prickly branches will put her off :).

Patio Postcards said...

That was a good morning chuckle ... your tree looks lovely.

This West London Life said...

Hardly any time at all!

Susanne said...

Funny, until it happens!

Barbara Eads said...

Your tree is gorgeous! Maybe she'll just want to stare at it!

Cheri said...

To this day, our lowest branches remain devoid of ornaments. We started that when the girls were very little. Now it's the grandpuppy we worry about. Also, no ornaments on the bottom branches makes it easier to load the gifts underneath!